Wednesday, 18 March 2020

A Message Of Hope

With permission from Sage Taylor Kingsley, I am sharing this chanelling with you from Archangel Michael on Coronavirus:

Dear Ones! Archangel Michael "Mike at the mic" here!
Allow me to embrace you and grace you all...
This may surprise you but I want to speak with you about the coronaviruses. And yes, there is more than one. BUT - here is the good news. It is very, VERY, VERY unlikely any of you will contract it, and even if you did, it will likely feel just like the 'common cold' virus.
So take a deep breath and stand down from Red Alert!
It is ok to take some precautions though - It is always good to maintain your health and have EXCELLENT hygiene and self-care, and also to put extra shielding around yourself physically and energetically if you are in a public place.
Many in your media are generating too much fear and panic so I want you to stand down from Red Alert—a bit of yellow but mostly green. So here is what you need to know:
1) Yes, it was man-made. Literally.
2) Remember the words: 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself...' ?
There is a lot of fear-mongering going on, and various governments and health agencies are handling this to various degrees of efficiency and care, so you do need to take some steps, but then LET IT GO, dears, let it go.
3) Steps to take:
[Physically] Wear a good mask if you are in a hospital, medical office, airport or airplane, child care center, elderly center. [And wash your hands often and thoroughly! Sage adds]
I want to talk to you about the metaphysical (energy, thought, emotion, belief).

Imagine a Golden Bubble of Protection around you. Right now.
Enveloping you in Divine Love and Light,
Supporting Your Body's Natural Health Systems.
KNOW that you are safe.
KNOW that you are healthy.
KNOW that you are loved.
That is about 90% of making it so = knowing it is so, and so it IS!
Pay attention to your intuition, and put your attention on your intention.
Read that 3 times, please.
Attention >> Intuition
Attention >> Intention
Intuition is the YIN
Intention is the YANG
Divine Female and Male flow together to create Cosmic God Consciousness within YOU.
See your double-spiral DNA helix and ribosomes dancing and ascending,
expanding and contracting, with God's Cosmic Breath within YOU.
(And do not worry if you do not remember what a ribosome is; it relates to RNA and protein, just trust the intention in these Words of Light and FEEL IT.)
4) The last reminder today is to EAT VERY CLEAN & HEALTHY. 
For many of you that means only plant-based foods, for some of you it can include some animal proteins.

But please be aware that MORE plants is always a good thing God thing.
And please remember to shop and cook and eat INTUITIVELY & GREAT-FULLY.
When you do so, you are putting Love into the food and into the beverage and into the water that is YOU.
You are realigning with your Natural Blueprint for Perfect Health and Vibrancy.
If you do these things, and above all, remember that LOVE IS WHO YOU ARE, AND LOVE IS ALL YOU ARE.... You will be and do just fine. (or with an occasional bump or "hiccup" because that is life, and you will even be ok with those little bumps because you learn from them!)
So, repeat after me:


This is your MANTRA. Sage, please make it pretty and share it widely and wisely. The world needs this now. Love, sweet Love. It is the antidote to everything, truly.
And one of the greatest blessings all of YOU have [here in Wisdom School of Light] is COMMUNITY.

There is a reason that so many studies show that people who feel connected to others, people who have purpose, people who feel cared for and loved live longer, live stronger, prosper and enJOY life much more!
So do be sure to connect with Sage more often, with your peers here more often, with anyone who gets you and sees you and celebrates you. You are MUCH stronger together!

I love you, and we love you, so very much. See you next time!

And remember to talk to God, talk to me and all your Angels.
We are always here with you. All Ways!

~ Archangel Michael via Sage (with smiles)
With thanks to Sage and Archangel Michael 

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