Tuesday, 12 January 2016

You Can Be Too Careful - Life Is Short

There is an old saying that, “you can’t be too careful.”
But I am not entirely sure that this is always true because life is short.
You can be too careful.
You can try to hold on to what you feel comfortable with and resist change.
You can live a life that avoids taking the risks and making the mistakes that are required to learn, grow and maximise your potential.
You can hide in the background, not exposing your amazing talents or innovative ideas to scrutiny.
You can try to find a job in a secure, safe industry, only to have the rug pulled out from underneath you when you least expect it, leaving you unprepared for the future.
You can put up walls around your heart, protecting you from possible pain, but also limiting the opportunity to love and be loved.
You can keep your feet on solid ground at the expense of trying to fly.
You can rationalise and come up with a long list of reasons to live carefully, rather than launch yourself into the unknown and live the life you were made for.
It is tempting to live carefully, as sometimes the risk of potential pain seems too great to cope with.
However, this is what I have learned from life.
Pain is inevitable.
Whether you live carefully or take reasonable risks, you will experience problems in life.
But just as the cow tries to avoid the storm and the buffalo runs towards it, those who are bold enough to live a life of adventure spend less time stuck in the mire of life and more in the sunshine.
Take a risk today.
Try something new today.
Do what you know you must today.
Because life is too short and you can be too careful!
Life  is too short… 
  • to waste it complaining about things that you cannot control.
  • to spend it in a dead-end job doing nothing significant.
  • to be a spectator and not a participant.
  • to squander the skills and abilities that you have.
  • to keep your best ideas to yourself.
  • to hold grudges that end up hurting you more than those who have offended you.
  • to be afraid of commitment and love.
  • to spend significant proportions of it on the couch watching mind-numbing television shows.
  • to spend it focusing on your problems and not coming up with great solutions.
  • to ignore the opportunities that present themselves for you to make a positive difference.
  • to try to please everyone.
  • to forget to look after your health.
  • to blame others for your circumstances rather than take responsibility.
  • to not make time to develop the spiritual and sacred aspects of your life.
  • to be beige.
  • to focus on making and spending money instead of the genuinely important things.
  • to try to do it alone.
  • to live with the regret of not following your dreams.
  • to forget to have fun along the way.
  • to miss your kids growing up because you spend too much time in the office.
  • to repeat the same mistakes year after year and not learn anything new.
We only get one shot at life and it flies by in the blink of an eye.
Let us make the most of it and do something magnificent.
Copyright with thanks to Darren Poke

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