Wednesday 6 July 2016


Are you looking to get motivated again to get your so important goal done? But somehow it feels so difficult to get motivated and make at least just one tiny little step forward, right?
It is just not happening…
But why?
And how can you fix this and get your motivation up when you need it? Like… right now?

What has happened to "My Motivation"?

Do a little exercise before you read on and ask yourself:
Why am I not motivated?
Asking the right questions is in itself  a little self reflection that can clear things up for you. If you like, write your answer down. Do it, it is worth it.
What is Motivation?
When you are motivated, you have a motive. In other words: a goal that drives you to take action.
Motivation is your inner driving force to close the gap between your goal and reality. 
So motivation happens if you have a strong goal. But there is even more about motivation…
Your motivation is answering one single question. The most important question: Why?
If you have a strong enough reason—a big, BIG WHY—you will have all the motivation you will ever need. Your BIG WHY is this Driving Force.
So to answer the former question, let us take a look at the core reason why we loose motivation:

The Core Reasons for No Motivation

What might come to your mind may be distraction. But distraction is no reason—it’ is already a result. It is the result of:
Lack of Clarity. If you are not clear on what you want it is difficult to get motivated. Lack of clarity means you have no clear aim, no specific and compelling goal of where you want to go.
More precisely you are not connected emotionally to the great outcome that this goal can produce in your life. The result is you are not very motivated to take any kind of action.
Overwhelm. If you have too much “clutter” on the table you are overwhelmed and your focus gets fuzzy. This is not a good environment for effective action. Instead it drowns your motivation. You need to simplify your life and learn to say "No" to things that are not truly  important to you.
 Fear gets in your way. If you know clearly what you are after—your goal—and you are not overwhelmed anymore, there might still be something getting in your way: Fear.
Fear of failure, or even fear of success. You have to feel the fear and do it anyway, and develop ways to face your fears productively.
Negative Results. Let’s face it: If you tried very hard but come up short anyway, it can drag you down. Everybody feeds on little successes. We need positive reinforcement to build up positive momentum.

If you are looking for an instant push in motivation, here are three powerful quick tricks:

1. Re-Connect Your Big Why
This is for re-igniting drive and putting new meaning into what you do:
  1. Ask yourself Why: Why are you really doing this?
  2. Uncover all the powerful reasons that got you started on your task in the first place. Then what else is a reason that will drive you to action?
  3. Write all reasons down.
Notice how this clears the fog off your mind and gives you a strong sense of meaning.
2. The Vision Blast
This is something for the “dream big” type of person:
  1. What is the most compelling, ideal outcome of your goal?
  2. Got it? Good. Now close your eyes.
  3. Visualise this outcome vividly in your minds eye. Make it big. Make it huge and colourful. See yourself achieving it. Feel how great it feels on all senses.
Do you feel a rush of motivation?
Great. Take action towards this outcome now!
3. The Check-Off
This is something for the “short-term gratification” type of person:
  1. Which task - a little thing - that takes you towards your goal can you complete today?
  2. Got it? Awesome. Now focus on this one little thing and get it done—no matter what.
  3. Do just this little baby step and check it off your to-do list.
If you have done it, feel the sense of accomplishment and start building up in positive momentum.
You have a first success!
Now build on top of it from here.
To read the complete article go to
Discover The Missing Keys To Abundance

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