Friday 20 May 2016

Are You In Conscious Control?

Many people assume that they are in conscious control of themselves all the time.

If you pay close attention you will realise that this assumption is not 100% correct. Of course, you consciously control many aspects of your life: for instance, what you say, what you eat, and where you go. Despite the fact that you may believe that you are in conscious control of yourself, many of your decisions and actions do not come from your conscious mind but from your unconscious mind.

For example: You are having lunch with your friend or colleague. Suddenly he or she says something that “pushes your buttons”, and you react accordingly, many times inappropriately. Why do you react the way you do?

Your reaction came from your pre-programmed (learned) way of thinking, located in your unconscious mind. Someone’s comment or action was the trigger for you to respond according to the unconscious program you have learned, whatever this program is. Sometimes this program has been there since childhood. The result is that you say things you do not really mean, or you misinterpret or misread a person’s mind. Do these reactions, in fact, come from your conscious mind? No, indeed; they come from your unconscious mind.

Sometimes your reactions have zero input from your conscious mind, and you are not to blame for that. Like everyone else, you cannot recognise those reactions that stem from your unconscious mind. These reactions are triggered by a particular word or words, and your responses to them are instant and unconscious. It happens to each one of us, many times every day.

The problem with reacting from the unconscious mind is this: You cannot see the programs in your unconscious mind; nor can you directly reach your unconscious mind, and some of your programs have been there since you were 5 or 6 years old. In other words, when you unconsciously react, you are reacting as if you were still that child!

Children are beautiful, but they live in a hypnotic state of mind, meaning that they learn quickly and absorb all the information around them but have not yet developed the ability to think critically, a process that helps to distinguish between what is good and bad, or what is right or wrong. They are building their core belief system by just observing what is happening around them, without the benefit of critical thinking.  Later in life, they will develop a more effective way of thinking.

Obviously, as an adult, you are not stuck forever with the blueprint that currently exists in your unconscious mind…and do not blame your unconscious mind: it is there for a reason.  If you want to change the unconscious program that is giving you a hard time, you need to overdrive that program. There are many ways to do this; you might try meditation or hypnosis, for example.

The relationship between your conscious and unconscious mind is this: If you want to be successful and reach your goals, your conscious desires and your unconscious intentions should support each other. Only when the conscious and unconscious mind work together toward the same goal will you achieve what you want.

Article by Yasha

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