Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The Power of Abundance

"Prosperity Abundance Consciousness" is about "money", as money is a tool to bring about much good in the world; yet Prosperity Abundance Consciousness is much more. It is about God's Abundance, an extravagant abundance ("My Cup Runneth Over"), a Limitless Abundance, an abundance of - love, joy, happiness, beauty, purpose, peace, faith and understanding.

Yes, our cup could be filled and running over if we would accept our own God-given Divinity. Not Divinity as a "God", but "of" God, the Essence which brings into our lives all that God has created for us.

God IS: Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Love, Lord, Allah, Yahweh, Total Peace - IT is the same. Timeless, changeless, everywhere present, miraculously powerful to heal and to renew life, to bring joy and courage, peace and wisdom, laughter and spontaneity.

Prosperity Abundance Consciousness is about being the best that we can be and giving the best we can, experiencing all that God has to offer us, reaching for, achieving and giving of our God-given talents, being True to our Essence and knowing we are truly blessed - and then being thankful.

One with God, we are Co-Creators with God in Spirit and Mind; we are of God-Consciousness. God is all there is. God is Everywhere and Every thing. God surrounds us, is in us, and all that is required of us is to open ourselves to God's presence, our Essence! And so it is! Namaste'.

Namaste', an ancient Hindu bow of sacred greeting made by placing the palms together, thumbs against the chest and nodding the head slightly. Namaste' acknowledges that the "God (or Christ) in me honors the God (or Christ) in you." Namaste'

It . . .

has been said that a prosperous person is one who is at ease, in harmony with her world, whole and free to do what she wants when she wants to do it. Prosperity is more than a material experience, it is having close, trusting relationships. It is having friends in your life with whom you enjoy sharing your experiences. It means having a successful family life and living in harmony with those people whom you love and who love you. Prosperity means having a healthy body, strong and full of energy, and vibrant peace of mind that allows you to sleep well at night. (Paraphrased from Stuart Grayson & Mark Victor Hansen)
Prosperity and abundance are produced by first recognizing that they are "thought." Thought produces fact. A "thought" of poverty can produce the fact of poverty. A "thought" of abundance can create abundance and prosperity. A thought of despair and loss, can create them. As we sow, so shall we reap. As we so think, so shall we reap.
"You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair." - - - Ernest Holmes, Living the Science of Mind

Emerson writes: "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
It is important to recall that it is not really for lack of abundance that you are experiencing want, but for lack of awareness of the ever-present reality of divine substance and the faith to shape it into manifest form. - - - Eric Butterworth.

To read The Power of Abundance article in full
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