The law of abundance is not included as one of the 7 laws of the universe; however, the law of abundance is considered a principle to attract success in your life. Abundance means a great plenty and an overflowing quantity of everything in this universe!
Everything you need, want, and desire is already created for you. From the health and fitness you desire, to all the money you want, to having the perfect life long mate, is already here waiting for your attention. All you have to do is access and choose abundance.
Read the
law of gender article to understand why and how everything is already created for you in this universe. This article is focusing on how to access abundance and live in abundance. I'm going to share with you two key success habits that access and put to use the law of abundance. They are:
The vacuum law of prosperity and appreciation.
Living in abundance is directly integrated with both of those success habits. Since everything you want and need is already created, living in abundance boils down to a choice. Do you choose abundance or do you not? On a conscious level, of course everyone would choose abundance and prosperity. However, on an unconscious level you may be repelling abundance and you're totally unaware of it.
Since our unconscious mind runs our behavior, it makes sense to use the vacuum law of prosperity and appreciation to change that unconscious programming.
The Vacuum Law of Prosperity
The law of prosperity is a fun law to practice. It really opens up a positive channel for giving and receiving. It's called the vacuum law of prosperity because nature abhors a vacuum. Meaning, that if there is an empty space nature will fill it in.
Go outside and dig a hole in your back yard. Once that hole is dug, what will happen over the next couple of days? Nature will begin to fill it in. Grass, weeds, and flowers may grow in and the rain will push more dirt into the hole. Eventually, the hole will be completely filled over time.
The vacuum law of prosperity also applies to your personal life. The only way anything new will ever come into your life is by creating a space for it. Think about all the times throughout your life when something new came---A new relationship, more money, furniture, or a new house. Now, think of the space available that attracted those new things. It's there! Really think about this.
You attracted a new romantic mate because you were single, you moved to a different state because your old house was for sale, and you provided more value to others to attract more money in your life.
Whatever you desire, what can you give to create an empty space so it comes into your life? Let's say you want a healthier body. What can you give your body to create that better state of health and fitness? Giving always creates a space for goodness to come into your life. The more you give the more you shall receive.
The law of prosperity attracts the means for living in abundance. Create a space by giving more and you'll be amazed at the infinite abundance you will receive.