Monday, 16 December 2013

A special Time for Special Relationships

Christmas is for many overwhelming and stressful, presents and food to be bought, family gatherings to be arranged. It is therefore a time when relationships are foremost on their minds. But for some, it is a time of deception, when the printed words of peace and love are in direct opposition to what they really feel inside.

A this time of year, any relationships that are under strain may totally split asunder.  As families gather together old animosities and rivalries can bubble to the surface. The mature approach is to just let them go but it is not easy. It takes two people to have a disagreement. If one of them (you) decides that life is too short and makes a personal commitment to let the real happiness and peace that is Christmas become a reality, then there is no argument. There is no point in winning a series of battles if you can simply end the war.

If you use your energy to perpetuate a feeling of grudge, envy or hurt, then you are using energy that could, and should be directed to more positive things – like building yourself the life that you truly desire.

If you can learn the actions that create harmony and peace, then the joy of Christmas really will, as the cards say, stay with you throughout the rest of the year. If you want to change somebody else the only place you can begin is with changing yourself. And, the only time you can start is right now.


Monday, 9 December 2013

The Law of Abundance

The law of abundance is not included as one of the 7 laws of the universe; however, the law of abundance is considered a principle to attract success in your life. Abundance means a great plenty and an overflowing quantity of everything in this universe!
Everything you need, want, and desire is already created for you. From the health and fitness you desire, to all the money you want, to having the perfect life long mate, is already here waiting for your attention. All you have to do is access and choose abundance.
Read the law of gender article to understand why and how everything is already created for you in this universe. This article is focusing on how to access abundance and live in abundance. I'm going to share with you two key success habits that access and put to use the law of abundance. They are: The vacuum law of prosperity and appreciation.
Living in abundance is directly integrated with both of those success habits. Since everything you want and need is already created, living in abundance boils down to a choice. Do you choose abundance or do you not? On a conscious level, of course everyone would choose abundance and prosperity. However, on an unconscious level you may be repelling abundance and you're totally unaware of it.
Since our unconscious mind runs our behavior, it makes sense to use the vacuum law of prosperity and appreciation to change that unconscious programming.

The Vacuum Law of Prosperity
The law of prosperity is a fun law to practice. It really opens up a positive channel for giving and receiving. It's called the vacuum law of prosperity because nature abhors a vacuum. Meaning, that if there is an empty space nature will fill it in.
Go outside and dig a hole in your back yard. Once that hole is dug, what will happen over the next couple of days? Nature will begin to fill it in. Grass, weeds, and flowers may grow in and the rain will push more dirt into the hole. Eventually, the hole will be completely filled over time.
The vacuum law of prosperity also applies to your personal life. The only way anything new will ever come into your life is by creating a space for it. Think about all the times throughout your life when something new came---A new relationship, more money, furniture, or a new house. Now, think of the space available that attracted those new things. It's there! Really think about this.
You attracted a new romantic mate because you were single, you moved to a different state because your old house was for sale, and you provided more value to others to attract more money in your life.
Whatever you desire, what can you give to create an empty space so it comes into your life? Let's say you want a healthier body. What can you give your body to create that better state of health and fitness? Giving always creates a space for goodness to come into your life. The more you give the more you shall receive.
The law of prosperity attracts the means for living in abundance. Create a space by giving more and you'll be amazed at the infinite abundance you will receive.
Do you want to accelerate the speed of abundance and prosperity even more? Use the vacuum law of prosperity, coupled with appreciation, to access the law of abundance easily.

To read  The Law of Abundance article in full
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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Cultivating Burning Desire

When asked during an interview how he managed to reach the top as a professional bodybuilder and Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger replied with a single word, "Drive!" All great success ultimately begins with an idea, but what makes ideas become reality is the fuel of human desire. An idea by itself can give you a temporary feeling of inspiration, but burning desire is what gets you through all the perspiration necessary to overcome the inevitable obstacles along the way.
Take a moment to think about the goals you've set for yourself. (You have set goals, haven't you? If not, go read the article on setting clear goals.) How committed are you to achieving these goals? Under what conditions would you give up? What if you could significantly increase your desire to achieve these goals? What if you wanted them so badly that you knew with absolute certainty that you would absolutely, positively never ever give up? When you are truly 100% committed to reaching your goals, you move from hoping to knowing. If you want something badly enough, then quitting is simply not an option. You either find a way or make one. You pay the price, whatever it takes.
Those with an intense, burning desire to achieve their goals are often referred to as being "driven." But is this special quality reserved only for a privileged few? Certainly not. With the right approach, anyone can cultivate a deep, burning desire within themselves and move to a state of total commitment, knowing with certainty that success is as inevitable as the sunrise.
So how do you cultivate burning desire? You begin with an outside-in approach, altering your environment in ways that will strengthen your resolve while eliminating doubt. If you take the time to do it right, you'll establish a positive feedback cycle, such that your desire will continue to increase on a daily basis.

To read Cultivating a BurningDesire article in full
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Friday, 15 November 2013

How to Create an Abundance Mentality

Much of society seems to be built on a scarcity mentality. It's a mentality that tells people that there is a lack in life, that opportunities are few and far between. This is, of course, useful for Marketing and Advertisers because if people believe that there is a lack, then you can get them to buy stuff; thus, the economy and society can continue to thrive and prosper by reinforcing a scarcity mentality in people.

The scarcity mentality can be quite painful for the individual and create a lot of unnecessary fear,anxiety and desperation. An abundance mentality, on the other hand, tells you that there are always new chances and opportunities. This relieves much of the pressure you may feel if you have a scarcity mentality that makes you think that you've only got one shot right now. Or it makes you feel like an utter failure just because you stumbled and things didn’t work out. An abundance mentality can help you improve your performance since with it, you’re creating a lot less pressure and anxieties within your own mind.

To read How to Create an Abundance Mentality article in full go to

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The Power of Abundance

"Prosperity Abundance Consciousness" is about "money", as money is a tool to bring about much good in the world; yet Prosperity Abundance Consciousness is much more. It is about God's Abundance, an extravagant abundance ("My Cup Runneth Over"), a Limitless Abundance, an abundance of - love, joy, happiness, beauty, purpose, peace, faith and understanding.

Yes, our cup could be filled and running over if we would accept our own God-given Divinity. Not Divinity as a "God", but "of" God, the Essence which brings into our lives all that God has created for us.

God IS: Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Love, Lord, Allah, Yahweh, Total Peace - IT is the same. Timeless, changeless, everywhere present, miraculously powerful to heal and to renew life, to bring joy and courage, peace and wisdom, laughter and spontaneity.

Prosperity Abundance Consciousness is about being the best that we can be and giving the best we can, experiencing all that God has to offer us, reaching for, achieving and giving of our God-given talents, being True to our Essence and knowing we are truly blessed - and then being thankful.

One with God, we are Co-Creators with God in Spirit and Mind; we are of God-Consciousness. God is all there is. God is Everywhere and Every thing. God surrounds us, is in us, and all that is required of us is to open ourselves to God's presence, our Essence! And so it is! Namaste'.

Namaste', an ancient Hindu bow of sacred greeting made by placing the palms together, thumbs against the chest and nodding the head slightly. Namaste' acknowledges that the "God (or Christ) in me honors the God (or Christ) in you." Namaste'

It . . .

has been said that a prosperous person is one who is at ease, in harmony with her world, whole and free to do what she wants when she wants to do it. Prosperity is more than a material experience, it is having close, trusting relationships. It is having friends in your life with whom you enjoy sharing your experiences. It means having a successful family life and living in harmony with those people whom you love and who love you. Prosperity means having a healthy body, strong and full of energy, and vibrant peace of mind that allows you to sleep well at night. (Paraphrased from Stuart Grayson & Mark Victor Hansen)
Prosperity and abundance are produced by first recognizing that they are "thought." Thought produces fact. A "thought" of poverty can produce the fact of poverty. A "thought" of abundance can create abundance and prosperity. A thought of despair and loss, can create them. As we sow, so shall we reap. As we so think, so shall we reap.
"You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair." - - - Ernest Holmes, Living the Science of Mind

Emerson writes: "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
It is important to recall that it is not really for lack of abundance that you are experiencing want, but for lack of awareness of the ever-present reality of divine substance and the faith to shape it into manifest form. - - - Eric Butterworth.

To read The Power of Abundance article in full
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Thursday, 15 August 2013

Untapping The Power Within

Our life is the expression of our inner potentialities. We project ourselves to the extent we know of our inner status, and there is much more to life than that which we are already living. Let us consider what more there is to life and what more can be lived than that we are living in the present. Certainly it is wise to know the whole extent of an expression of our life, and to try to bring in all that we have been missing so far.

We know, if we drop a stone in a pond, the ripples begin to move, and they move over the whole pond, reaching all the extremities. One slight stir in any part of the pond stirs the whole pond, influences the entire field of water and its surroundings. Similarly, by every thought, word, and action, every individual is setting forth influence in his surroundings, and that influence is not restricted to any boundaries. It goes on and on and reaches every level of creation. Every individual, by his every thought, word and action, shakes the entire universe. This is the status of an individual. One is connected with the whole universe by every little bit of activity. An individual appears to be bound by the boundaries of home and by the boundaries of his own body, but in reality the subtle aspects of the individuality go to make universal existence. An individual is never an isolated individual. He is intimately interrelated with the whole cosmos.

Even more than that, he shares the responsibility for the life of the whole cosmos. The entire universe lies in the individual. Cosmic existence lies in the existence of the individual. Cosmic life rests in the individual life, and the individual life extends to cosmic life. The individual and the cosmos are interdependent. Neither of them is independent of the other. Every move of the individual shakes the cosmos. The universe reacts to the individual action. Every individual has this power that shakes the universe, and shakes and saves the gods and angels in heaven. Man has this strength that upholds the universe. The individual, by his every action, serves the universe, and the great power of Nature is ready to serve the individual, if the individual influences the universe for the progression of the process of evolution.

To read Untapping the Power Within article in full
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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

The Power of The Human Mind

“The most powerful thing in the world is the human mind,
and prayer, belief in yourself, and confidence.
Always believe in yourself, and no matter who’s around you
that’s being negative, or thrusting negative energy at you,
totally block it off; because whatever you believe you become.”
– Michael Jackson