Monday, 12 February 2018

Never Let Anyone Dim Your Light

You know who you are. You know you are kind, genuine and bright. Full of empathy, love, gentle and gracious. Even if they failed to see it, you must never forget it.
The world is full of people who are waiting to find these qualities in a person, but some of those people will take advantage of your kindness. It can make you feel empty,  hollow and even make you forget who you are. It can also make you question yourself and know who you are working towards being. These people come into your life dressed as a friend, a colleague, a potential partner and they will enjoy these parts of you, just as you will enjoy all the wonderful parts of them. They do care, I am not saying they do not, but they will care more about how you make them feel rather than how they make you feel. They will consume you and all the emotions you make them feel and once they have had enough, once it starts to become too much, they  will let you go just as quickly as they picked you up.
They might even come back for seconds or thirds and it will be so ridiculously hard to say no because you will want to help. You do not want someone you cared for to feel sad or upset, so you will stay and let them feed off of you again.
It will feel like you are being weak, but you know truthfully that it is the purest form of your strength, to be able to help someone who hurt you, to put yourself aside and to use your best qualities to make someone else feel good about themselves. But just like the first time, once they are done using you up, they will go again. It will feel worse than the first time but it will be easier to recover from, easier to pick yourself up and dust yourself off.
Even though you are all of these wonderful things, you must also remember you are not responsible for their emotions anymore. If they choose to leave, let them. As hard as it is, do not let them come back, turn them away. It is one of the kindest things you can do for them, to allow them to use themselves, instead of another person, to alleviate whatever pain they are feeling. You have learnt how to use who you are to aid those you love, and so they must do the same. Learn when to say ‘enough is enough’. It will be the greatest gift you can give yourself.
You know who you are. You shine bright for all those who are willing to remove their shades. Never let anyone dim your sparkle because it is the only one you have got. 

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Make Your Life's Journey Amazing

Do you enjoy whatever you do, or complain about everything?
Are you striving to make the most of every situation, or do you get angry, depressed and unhappy, when you face difficulties or discomfort?
You can enjoy the journey through life. It is just a matter of attitude.
When you do something you love, you most probably enjoy what you are doing. However, often, you also have to do things you do not like doing. There are always tasks, chores and duties, which you cannot avoid.
You may not love your job, your boss, or your neighbours. Sometimes, you need to meet and interact with people you do not like. What do you do when you find yourself in these situations?
Do you sulk and get angry?
Or become unhappy?
You cannot always control circumstances, but you can change your attitude toward them.
Life is like a journey. There is always movement and change. If you cannot accept changes, and if everything bothers you, you will not enjoy the journey, and it will be tough and unpleasant.
You can sit in a train and complain about the people around you, the train, the noise, the heat or anything else. You can also try to converse with the people travelling with you, learn about them, and win new friends that might open new opportunities for you. You might also look at the scenery and enjoy it.
It is all a Matter of Attitude, which you can Learn to Change
Why not enjoy the journey through life? Even if it is sometimes tough and unpleasant, you can turn it into a pleasant one. Focus on the pleasant incidents, on the bright side, on things that develop your character.

How to Make Your Journey Through Life More Pleasant 

Discipline your mind and teach it to focus on the good and the beneficial.

Teach yourself to think more positively.

See the bright side of everything.

Focus on what you are doing, instead of letting your thoughts go wherever they want.

Imagine how you will feel after you have finished your task, chore, or whatever you are doing. 

This will take off some of the strain and complaints, and you will begin to enjoy what you are doing.

Do not focus on the difficulties, the inconvenience or the discomfort. 

The mind finds it easier to focus on the negative, but with some effort and persistence, you would be able to teach your mind to stop dwelling on it. You can teach your mind to look at the positive, useful and helpful in every situation.

Strive to focus on the benefits, the strength and power you gain, as well as the possibilities that open up to you. Though this might be difficult at first, if you persevere with this attitude, your mind will learn to focus on the positive. This will make the journey through life more pleasant.

If you do not like what you are doing, there is no reason to suffer, feel bad or get depressed. If you cannot, currently, change the situation, then try to make the most of it. Try to enjoy it and put more fun into it.
Open your mind to see a broader picture, a different viewpoint, and magically, you will find what you are doing less boring or unpleasant.
When you see life as a pleasant journey, good things start happening and new doors open.
Look at your life as a pleasant journey and you will find happiness in every situation.