Saturday, 24 December 2016

Habits To Enhance Your Mood And Success

Your daily habits ultimately determine the quality of your life. Happy and successful people do more different things each day than the average person. And they do those things consistently.

A few small changes can transform your life, but patience is required. Instead of focusing on big changes, consider making a few minor adjustments.
The odds of successfully making a change are much higher when that change is small.
Effective Habits Result In A More Productive Life
 Make yourself a priority. We have all been taught to worry about others. Self-sacrifice is viewed as altruistic and noble. But you are important, too. Give your emotional and physical health the priority it deserves. You will then be in a better position to help yourself and others.
Set one or more goals each day. If you do not have an objective for the day, you are much less likely to make the most of it. It feels good to wake up with a purpose. You will also get a lot more accomplished. Give yourself the gift of feeling a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day.
 Communicate effectively. Communicating well with others enhances relationships, both personal and professional. Poor communication creates misunderstanding and unhappiness. Ensure you understand others and that they understand you.
Meditate. A few minutes of meditation each day can provide significant results. It is relaxing, provides a mental break, and clears the mind. Think of it as exercise for your mental muscles.
Spend quality time with those you love. Is that not what it is all about anyway? Many of us spend all day toiling at work, only to come home and sit in front of the TV. Spending meaningful time with others will make you happier and provide the motivation necessary to reach higher levels of success.
 Learn at least one new thing. Imagine how much you would know in five years if you learned something new each day. Ideally, you will learn something that is both interesting and useful to your future. You will be proud of your personal growth. You will also be more effective in the workplace.
Be grateful. When life is challenging, it is easy to forget just how much you already have. Spend a few minutes each day and make a list of all the things that fill you with gratitude.
Use time effectively. Time is the one thing you cannot get back. Whether you are a billionaire or the average Joe, everyone has 24 hours to navigate each day. The most successful people use that time more effectively. Whether working or having fun, try to make your hours as productive as possible.
Exercise each day. Exercise is great for your health, both physical and mental. It is a great time to think and unwind. Try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. You will benefit in many ways.
It can be that easy to feel better and accomplish more. Enhance your daily rituals and you will enhance your life.Small changes can bring big results over time. Develop habits that guarantee a better mood and greater success.
I would like to thank my blog readers for their support throughout the year. WIshing you all
a Merry Christmas and a happy, peaceful Festive Season.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Build And Maintain Meaningful Relationships

Meaningful relationships are a necessity of  life.

Relationships can be challenging. The quality of our relationships has a big influence on the quality of our lives.
Relationships are like a living organism. They require attention and energy to thrive.
When they are ignored, they degrade and wither away.
How many friends have drifted away from you over the years?
Enhance Your Relationships And Your Life
“Fix” yourself. The people we bring into our lives are often attempts to patch our own shortcomings. We often use others as distractions. When you raise up your own life, you will naturally raise your standards.
Our friends and lovers are often very much like us. If you are routinely having challenges in your life, you will feel comfortable with others who are similarly challenged. When you have your own life together, you will find similar people are attracted into your life.
 Focus on what you can provide to the other person. It does not take much to make most people happy, most of the time. When the other person is happy and content, they will be in a better position to make you happy, too.
Do meaningful things together. If you love art, it is much more meaningful to share it with someone. You will find that you enjoy watching others enjoy themselves, even if the activity is not interesting to you. Share meaningful experiences, and those emotions will spill over into your relationship.
Have deep conversations. If all you talk about are work and the weather, the relationship will never have any depth. While all friendships and romantic relationships start out at a casual level, things must become deeper over time if the relationship is going to become more meaningful.
Consider important details in their lives. We all dislike it when someone forgets our birthday or does not ask us about our first day at a new job. Take notes if you have to, but stay on top of the important items going on in the lives of your friends and family.
People always remember how you made them feel. They might forget what you said, but they never forget how you made them feel. If you can make the other person feel good, your relationship will grow.
If you make the other person feel guilty, lazy, ashamed, or any other negative emotion, you are losing ground. Address behaviours and avoid attacking anyone.
Be good to yourself. If you do not love and respect yourself, others will be less likely to. When you are good to yourself, others will respect you and treat you well, too.
Get back to others quickly. We all have the friend that ignores our emails, phone calls, and texts. Avoid becoming known as the person that rarely returns messages.
Be patient and forgiving. Every once in a while, you are going to take some damage from a friend or family member that is having a bad day. Learn to forgive and forget the occasional outburst. Hopefully, you will receive the same consideration.
Get personal. Social media, text messaging, and emails are amazing inventions. However, these are poor substitutes for real conversation. Make the effort to talk to someone in person or on the phone. If you want to make good use of technology, try Skyping. It is free and you can see each other.
Are your relationships everything you would like them to be? Meaningful relationships are one of the key components of happiness. Give your relationships the time and energy they require to blossom and flourish. Great relationships can bring new meaning to your life. Be a great friend, family member, and partner.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Turn Your Fears Around To Work To Your Advantage

If you are not afraid, you are not human. Everyone is afraid of somethingFears tend to evolve and change over time.

A young child might be afraid of the dark. A middle-aged man is afraid of embarrassing himself during a speech. A newborn is afraid of loud  noises. All other fears are learned.
What have you learned to be afraid of?
Turn the tables and use fear to your advantage:
Determine why you are afraid. If you are afraid of falling off a cliff and dying, your fear might be justified, and further evaluation is required. If it is just your ego talking, you know that the fear is not in your best interest. That is the type of fear that keeps you in your current situation.
Reframe the situation. The fact that you are physically uncomfortable does not have to control your thoughts or actions. When you are feeling anxious, take that as a sign that something great might be getting ready to happen. Step outside your comfort zone and take advantage of the opportunity.
Use fear to your advantage. It is a good thing. Not something to be avoided. Embrace it.
 Make a list of all of your fears. You will notice a pattern. It might be a fear of embarrassment, success, or becoming isolated. By understanding the core of your fears, you can better deal with them. By addressing the core issue you may be able to eliminate many of your fears at the source.
Use fear to propel you forward. The most successful people have been those that faced their fears successfully. Conquering one fear makes you more capable. The next fear will be even easier. Defeating a small fear makes the more significant fears more manageable. The confidence you gain can be applied to all areas of your life.
Recognise that fear is self-induced. It is only your perception of the event that creates your fear. Fear is just a feeling. It may include physical symptoms, but it is a feeling nonetheless.
If your life is not in danger, your fear is just a guess. When you can realise this fact, you will also realise that all of your other feelings follow the same rules. If you can make yourself feel bad, you can also make yourself feel good too.
Use fear to enhance your discipline. Fear occurs when your brain tries to stop you from doing something. It makes you uncomfortable until you run away from the source of your fear. Use the opportunity to exercise your ability to push through the anxiety.
Discipline is the ability to do things you do not feel like doing. You do not need discipline to do the things you enjoy. Does it take discipline to eat a potato chip? No. It takes discipline to stop. You need discipline to face your fears. Begin cultivating it.
Get the help you need. Perhaps you need help getting over deep-seated fears. There is probably a good reason why they are deep-seated. Use your fear as a motivation to get help. You might find you need help with a few other mental health issues too. Getting help for your fear could help you move forward with a myriad of new benefits.
Fear is not something to be avoidedUse fear to your advantage. Fear is a wonderful opportunity to learn about yourself. Fear can also be used as chance to grow on a personal level. If you are not afraid, you are not living.