Friday, 24 January 2014

The Strength of Persistence

Persistence plays a critical role in the quest for wisdom, achievement, success, fulfillment and self-confidence. Most of the eventualities we long for require our focused, vigilant attention, not to mention ingenuity, patience, flexibility and be able to stick-to-it.
Persistence involves setting a goal, committing to a course of action, making the necessary sacrifices, overcoming obstacles, setbacks and criticism – all the while maintaining your motivation, energy and faith in yourself.

It requires adaptability in a variety of situations as well as reviewing and altering expectations. Persistence keeps you on a trail of possibilities that sustains you when you hit a wall with one course of action. It enables you to re-energize yourself so that you can continue to explore creative options.

The words of President Calvin Coolidge tell us of the unique importance of this strength: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

What is so elusive about persistence? What makes it so difficult to learn and convert into habit? This is a haunting question for anyone who, in good faith, made a New Year’s resolution and blew past it by January 3rd. How does procrastination become a way of life, often resulting in self-loathing?

If persistence eludes you and you have labeled yourself lazy, a procrastinator, one of life losers, you may want to rethink your conclusions so you can effectively develop the goals and habits that bring them to fruition. You can resign from the “I could not change a habit if my life depended on it” club. Since this club has many, many members, you certainly won’t be missed if you choose another path!

If persistence eludes you and you have labeled yourself lazy, a procrastinator, one of life losers, you may want to rethink your conclusions so you can effectively develop the goals and habits that bring them to fruition. You can resign from the “I could not change a habit if my life depended on it” club. Since this club has many, many members, you certainly won’t be missed if you choose another path!

Procrastination is the enemy of persistence and the thief of your precious time. Too many people spend too much time trying to understand why they’re in this trap when it would be so much more productive to determine what needs to be modified and what factors play a continuing role in supporting this ineffectual pattern of thinking and behavior.

To read the article in full go to

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