Friday, 31 January 2014

Free Will Or Destiny? What Guides Your Life?

Are you the master of your own fate, or are you a slave to fate? That's been a question man has been asking himself since he first became cognizant of his own existence. Why does it have to be one or the other? Couldn't both co-exist?


It can be very difficult-- especially for a spiritual person-- to accept that life, the universe and everything are just the results of a gazillion years of random, meaningless occurrences.
Many of us have had experiences that are all too meaningful to think they were not contrived. Tell a person who got a bad feeling and changed his flight that it was just a coincidence he was not on the plane that burned and crashed.
Tell the mother who dreamed of the birth of her child before it happened that she was just dreaming. If you havee ever had a good psychic reading that foretold you of events to come, you’ll find it impossible to believe in the idea that everything that happens is an accident, that it’s all coincidence and not contrived. How can this possibly be, if nothing is determined?

Free Will

At the same time, it’s easy to understand why some people believe in free will. Think about how much our choices—any actions (or no actions)—guide our lives. Most of the time, we can trace things that happen to us back to a choice we made at some point.
If there were no free will, there would be no point in ever trying, would there? We could just sit back and let the chips fall where they may; and we would not have to take any personal responsibility for any outcomes. But the fact is, people who are responsible and smart, who plan well for their goals and their future, will usually succeed at most things.
People who blow off responsibilities, who don’t make smart choices, will usually end up suffering for their mistakes. We can’t deny that we have a hand in how things turn out from us.

How the Work Together

Everyone does have a destiny. We’re all born for a purpose, and there are lessons and experiences we are meant to have in this lifetime. However, we also have the right and the responsibility of choice—we get to decide if we are going to do things to pursue our destiny, or move further away from it.
Yes, you can create your own destiny. Let’s face it; life can be hard, and some of us are here to learn some hard lessons, or do some difficult things. You can certainly opt out—you can take an easy road (or at least a road that seems easier at the time). You can even change your destiny with your free will.

Friday, 24 January 2014

The Strength of Persistence

Persistence plays a critical role in the quest for wisdom, achievement, success, fulfillment and self-confidence. Most of the eventualities we long for require our focused, vigilant attention, not to mention ingenuity, patience, flexibility and be able to stick-to-it.
Persistence involves setting a goal, committing to a course of action, making the necessary sacrifices, overcoming obstacles, setbacks and criticism – all the while maintaining your motivation, energy and faith in yourself.

It requires adaptability in a variety of situations as well as reviewing and altering expectations. Persistence keeps you on a trail of possibilities that sustains you when you hit a wall with one course of action. It enables you to re-energize yourself so that you can continue to explore creative options.

The words of President Calvin Coolidge tell us of the unique importance of this strength: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

What is so elusive about persistence? What makes it so difficult to learn and convert into habit? This is a haunting question for anyone who, in good faith, made a New Year’s resolution and blew past it by January 3rd. How does procrastination become a way of life, often resulting in self-loathing?

If persistence eludes you and you have labeled yourself lazy, a procrastinator, one of life losers, you may want to rethink your conclusions so you can effectively develop the goals and habits that bring them to fruition. You can resign from the “I could not change a habit if my life depended on it” club. Since this club has many, many members, you certainly won’t be missed if you choose another path!

If persistence eludes you and you have labeled yourself lazy, a procrastinator, one of life losers, you may want to rethink your conclusions so you can effectively develop the goals and habits that bring them to fruition. You can resign from the “I could not change a habit if my life depended on it” club. Since this club has many, many members, you certainly won’t be missed if you choose another path!

Procrastination is the enemy of persistence and the thief of your precious time. Too many people spend too much time trying to understand why they’re in this trap when it would be so much more productive to determine what needs to be modified and what factors play a continuing role in supporting this ineffectual pattern of thinking and behavior.

To read the article in full go to

Friday, 17 January 2014

Thoughts are Things

Thoughts become things.  This simple statement is a powerful concept.  It's based on the idea that anything that exists was first a thought in someone's mind.  The chair you sit in, the meal you have for dinner, the clothing you're wearing, all was first a thought.  But there may a scientific explanation for this concept.  Physicists like Einstein and Bohr and other very bright quantum mechanics scholars tell us that all matter exists as both a wave and a particle.  Think about that for a second; all matter is both a wave and a particle.  Sounds very much like our thoughts (the waves) really can become things (formed by particles). 
I know many people who act on this principle, that what they think and say will come into being.  And so they do affirmations and positive thoughts to bring about a positive reality.  And I think that's great.  However I had seen these same people afraid of any negative idea, almost like one negative thought will poison all the positive.  I saw a woman express a worry (and a worry, of course, is a prediction of a negative outcome) and she brought her hand to her mouth in fear and then quickly said "erase, erase, erase!".  We shouldn't be afraid of our thoughts.  Byron Katie points out that we don't really have any control about what we think. The thought appears faster than we can command ourselves not to think it. 
If we go back to science we would say that if something is pushing in one direction and it meets a force pushing from the opposite direction with the same mass and energy then nothing will move. The two cancel each other out.  But if one side pushes harder or has greater mass then it will win. That means if you stated something positive more often than you stated something negative then the positive would win. If I make the statement "everything will work out" more times then I say "this is not going to work out" then the thoughts, and eventually things, are starting to move in the right direction.  On the other hand, if I believe the negative thought to be true and I feel the positive affirmation is a lie then the negative thought has much more weight and it will win. 
The woman was trying to push back harder against the negative thought with her "erase, erase, erase" statement.  The problem lies in that it's not just how many times you think a negative thought, it is how much "mass" and "energy" those thoughts have.  And belief in a thought gives it lots of mass and energy.  If you really firmly believe the negative thought then saying "erase" a hundred times won't have much weight. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity

Abundance and prosperity is something you are born with, and yet as we grow we forgot that. Fortunately you have the power to create it in your life.
You were born abundant. The universe is abundant. This is truth but you may have forgotten it.
As we navigate life we become programmed to see the lack in everything, rather than the abundance that is right in front of us.
It is up to you to create abundance and prosperity in your life. No one can do it for you. Fortunately is it something we all can do and achieve.
The Law of Attraction states that, what you focus your attention on you attract. If you are focused on lack, then lack you will receive. To manifest abundance and prosperity in your life, crowd out the “lack” thinking and replace it with thoughts of abundance and prosperity.
Your thoughts influence your feelings. From those feelings you take actions that produce results. You are the source of those results. Focusing on your inner world (thoughts) brings you faster results in your outer world.
In order to manifest abundance and prosperity, you need to magnetize it to you.
Identify and feel the abundance and prosperity already present in your life. A good way to bring those feelings in is to journal all things you have in your life already (people, things, money, career, etc.), all the opportunities you’ve had, all you’ve achieved. Feeling grateful for the abundance and prosperity already in your life. Feeling abundant and prosperous rather than lack.
Next design your vision of abundance and prosperity, get really specific. Describe it in terms of what you will experience when you have it. Use all your five senses: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, and olfactory. Ask yourself questions like, “What will your abundant and prosperous life be like? What activities will you be doing? What will you feel like when you have it? What changes are in your life? Who is around you?”
Set your intention that your vision of abundance and prosperity will manifest.
Another aspect to manifestation is the Law of Allowing. Knowing that what you are 
magnetizing will manifest in your life. You must trust that you will create it and allow it to happen when it’s appropriate for you. Some find this challenging. Stay focused on the abundance and prosperity already in your life. Regular meditations and reflection on your vision keeps you focused on what you want.
Here’s the recap on the steps to magnetize and manifest abundance and prosperity in your life:
1. Feel the feelings of abundance and prosperity already in your life
2. Design your vision of abundance and prosperity
3. Set the intention that you will manifest your vision
4. Trust that it will happen
Pay attention to changes in your life. Maybe things won’t manifest exactly as you expect, but the essence of what you are magnetizing does manifest.