Sunday, 12 April 2020

A Time for Renewal

Easter is usually thought of as the time for a break from work, Easter eggs, hot cross buns and DIY. But it is so much more, it is one of the most special holidays of the year. Of course there is a special significance for Christians celebrating Easter and Jewish people celebrating Passover. But, there is also something in the air for everyone.

As the mornings and evenings grow lighter and as the last of the winter frosts disappear, there is a great feeling of new beginnings. The first trees are in blossom and the others have green buds. The grass is starting to grow faster than even the most avid gardener can mow it.

This is a great time of the year to look back at those New Year resolutions, to review progress and to take any corrective action needed.

The seasons can affect our feelings and attitudes. The chances are that you made those January resolutions in the midst of a cold, grey and wet winter, that probably made your emotions and optimism pretty cold, grey and wet too.

But, when the natural world is bursting with the promise of a glorious spring and the warmth of summer, this is an ideal time to decide that you too will start over and put right anything that you feel needs correction in your own life.

Unless humans interfere with nature, it has its own graceful balance. The old and used makes way for the new and the vibrant. Anyone can do the same with their own thoughts and attitudes. Perhaps those fondly held beliefs that served you well in the past are due for an overhaul. Perhaps it is time to restore your own natural balance.

Balance means harmony rather than discord. This should include a brief but thorough examination of all the areas of your life, relationships, career, health, finances, leisure and talents.

This is an example of how easy it is to get out of balance. A businessman was successful by most material measures. Despite his large house, ample income and luxury car, he was an unhappy person. He had spent so much time and energy building his business that he had no time left for all of the other aspects of his life that were also important . He decided it was time for change and began working on restoring balance into his life. Within weeks he had found happiness too and without putting any of his material gains at risk either.

You would have to be a very cold person indeed, to totally ignore the promise of Easter. So take some of that promise for yourself and then make sure it is a promise that is delivered. You deserve nothing less.

Happy Easter - Happy Pesach   

Copyright The Coaching Academy

Friday, 3 April 2020

Maintaining Resilience In Adversity

Every person faces difficult, sometimes life altering, events at various points in their life.  These events might include the loss of a job, a serious illness, the death of a loved one, a natural disaster or other situations that bring unwanted changes. Some can even be traumatic. We can all relate to this now more than ever, with the coronavirus pandemic  engulfing the entire world. However, your ability to cope with these stressful life events has much to do with how resilient you are.
What is Resilience?
Resilience is your ability to adapt to adversity or unexpected changes that occur in your life. Contrary to what many believe, resilience is not an inborn personality trait that some people naturally have and others lack. It is a learned skill. That is good news, because being resilient is one of the best ways to protect against the effects of stress. Since we cannot completely avoid stress the goal of effective stress management is two fold, exercise good decision making over the things you can control in order to minimise self imposed stress, while being resilient toward the stressors you cannott control, such as sickness, accidents and losses.
But, if like a tree in the wind, you learn to bend, become flexible and adapt to the new challenges that emerge, you can find ways to not only survive but thrive.

Here are ways you can build resilience to stressful life events:

Seek out Supportive Relationships 

One of best ways to adapt to life’s challenges is to build and maintain positive and loving relationships. It is hard to overstate the importance of this type of support. When you are feeling stressed, discouraged or overwhelmed, turning to trusted people in your life can give you a renewed sense of strength and cut through any distorted thoughts you might have about your situation. Thankfully with the help of social media, this is still possible even in the current lockdown.

Practice good Self Care 

Your ability to be resilient under stress requires you to have emotional and physical reserves to draw upon. One of the most important ways to build these reserves is by practicing good self care. Deliberate, conscious choices to care for your body, mind and relationships can help you manage even the big stressors in your life. Even if the stress temporarily knocks you down, you are more able to get up and keep going. So how do you build up these reserves as a protective means against stress? Start with getting an adequate amount of sleep, eating nutritious food, making time for exercise, investing energy in maintaining contact with friends and family and taking time to meditate. The better you care for yourself, the more equipped you are to manage stress.

Be proactive against Adversity

When you are proactive you create or cause something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened. You strengthen your resiliency when you are proactive but you weaken it when you become passive and reactionary. Just like resiliency, being passive and reactionary is a learned response and one that you can change with practice. When you encounter adversity, figure out what needs to be done to move through it, make a concrete and realistic plan and take action. Continually set goals for the future to help propel you toward more action.

Build on your Experience

Most people know when they feel stress, but, most do not learn from their experiences with stress management. How have you coped with hardship in the past? What skills and strategies have helped you through tough times? What approaches have not worked well? Write these down and make a conscious effort to apply what you know about yourself as you navigate future life challenges.

View Adversity as Normal

No one likes the fact that hardship, trauma, sorrow and pain are part of our lives. The question is not whether we will experience adversity but how we will manage it. When you brace yourself against the winds of adversity in an effort to fight it, you can end up broken. The gale force winds are simply too strong at times. But, if like a tree in the wind, you learn to bend, become flexible and adapt to the new challenges that emerge, you can find ways to not only survive but thrive. And when you can learn to do that, you know that you have learned resilience.

Stay Safe
With thanks to Gary Gilles LCPC