Thursday, 24 December 2020
A Special Time For Relationships
Friday, 27 November 2020
Time To Give Thanks
In America, besides sharing time with family and friends over food, the primary ingredient of the Thanksgiving holiday is gratitude. While it is certainly good to have an annual holiday to remind us to express gratitude, there is much to be said for the benefits of cultivating the spirit of thankfulness all year round.
People who are thankful for what they have are better able to cope with stress, have more positive emotions, and are better able to reach their goals. Scientists have even noted that gratitude is associated with improved health.
Published in the Harvard Mental Health Letter,1 "expressing thanks may be one of the simplest ways to feel better:"
The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness (depending on the context). In some ways gratitude encompasses all of these meanings. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible.
With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives. In the process, people usually recognise that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside themselves.
As a result, gratitude also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals, whether to other people, nature, or a higher power.
People feel and express gratitude in multiple ways. They can apply it to the past (retrieving positive memories and being thankful for elements of childhood or past blessings), the present (not taking good fortune for granted as it comes), and the future (maintaining a hopeful and optimistic attitude).
Regardless of the inherent or current level of someone's gratitude, it is a quality that individuals can successfully cultivate further.
The head of biologic psychology at Duke University Medical Center once stated that: "If [thankfulness] were a drug, it would be the world's best selling product with a health maintenance indication for every major organ system."2
One way to harness the positive power of gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal or list, where you actively write down exactly what you are grateful for each day. In one study people who kept a gratitude journal reported exercising more, and they had fewer visits to the doctor compared to those who focused on sources of aggravation.
Studies have shown that gratitude can produce a number of measurable effects on a number of systems in your body.
Ways to Cultivate Gratitude
Cultivating a sense of gratitude will help you refocus your attention toward what is good and right in your life, rather than dwelling on the negatives and all the things you may feel are lacking.
And, like a muscle, this mental state can be strengthened with practice. Besides keeping a daily gratitude journal, other ways to cultivate a sense of gratitude include:
Write thank you notes: Whether in response to a gift or kind act, or simply as a show of gratitude for someone being in your life, getting into the habit of writing thank you letters can help you express gratitude in addition to simply feeling it inside.
Count your blessings: Once a week, reflect on events for which you are grateful, and write them down. As you do, feel the sensations of happiness and thankfulness you felt at the time it happened, going over it again in your mind.
Pray: Expressing thanks during your prayers is another way to cultivate gratitude.
Mindfulness Meditation: Practicing "mindfulness" means that you are actively paying attention to the moment you are in right now. A mantra is sometimes used to help maintain focus, but you can also focus on something that you are grateful for, such as a pleasant smell, a cool breeze, or a lovely memory.
Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude
Three years ago, the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California launched a project called "Cultivating Gratitude in a Consumerist Society." This project aims to:
Expand the scientific database of gratitude, particularly in the key areas of human health, personal and relational wellbeing, and developmental science;
Promote evidence based practices of gratitude in medical, educational, and organisational settings and in schools, workplaces, homes and communities, and in so doing…
Engage the public in a larger cultural conversation about the role of gratitude in civil society.
Previous research has shown that employees whose managers say "thank you" feel greater motivation at work, and work harder than peers who do not hear those "magic words. Being on the receiving end of a person's gratitude can boost a subjects' sense of self-worth and/or self-efficacy. It also appears to encourage participants to further help the person who offered the gratitude but also another, unrelated person in an unconscious 'pay it forward' kind of connection."
Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle
Starting each day by thinking of all the things you have to be thankful for is one way to put your mind on the right track. Also, remember that your future depends largely on the thoughts you think today. So each moment of every day is an opportunity to turn your thinking around, thereby helping or hindering your ability to think and feel more positive in the very next moment.
Most experts agree that there are no shortcuts to happiness. Even generally happy people do not experience joy 24 hours a day. But a happy person can have a bad day and still find pleasure in the small things in life.
Be thankful for what you have. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, remember the 1,000 reasons you have to smile. Face your past without regret; prepare for the future without fear; focus on what is good right now, in the present moment, and practice gratitude. Remember to say "thank you" to yourself, the Universe, and others. It is wonderful to see a person smile, and even more wonderful knowing that you are the reason behind it!
With thanks to Dr Mercola
Friday, 30 October 2020
Go The Extra Mile
Are you someone who consistently goes the extra mile and routinely over delivers on your promises?
It is rare these days, but it is the hallmark of high achievers who know that exceeding expectations helps you stand above the crowd. Almost by force of habit, successful people simply do more.
As a result, they experience not only greater financial rewards for their extra efforts but also a personal transformation, becoming more self-confident, self-reliant, and influential with those around them. These high achievers stand out from the crowd because of their extra efforts. They are unwilling to give up, even in the face of difficult times. They get the promotions and loyal customers. Grow their businesses twice as fast, get financial rewards, job security, and go home feeling satisfied.
Do you exceed expectations?
Do you surprise people with more than they were expecting from you?
Do you have the opportunity and the personal initiative to go the extra mile?
To be successful you must change your thinking. You can only win by making extra efforts. People who go the extra mile always get payback. You will discover yourself becoming more self-confident, more self-reliant and more influential with those around you.
People notice the special services and all the small touches that make dealing with you so pleasurable. And when they are talking to their friends they will mention you and recommend you because you are the one who stands out.
People will see that you pay attention to detail, that you consider all the small things that really make a business successful, that you care about your image, and that you belong with all the other people who work hard to achieve. You will attract new business and new opportunities.
Listen to any success story and you will hear of someone who worked exceptionally hard to get what they wanted.
You will hear how they put in the extra time, did what was not part of their job description, and over delivered on what was asked of them. You will hear how they stuck at it until they broke through, and usually hear how it only took them a couple of years to do it.
What have you been doing for the past couple of years? Think of what you could accomplish if you made it a habit to exceed everyone’s expectations. Image what doors could be open to you if you decided to be of better service and value.
How are you willing to go the extra mile? What kind of extra service are you willing to provide in order to stand out from the rest? What areas of your life could you be giving more of your effort and time, becoming more valuable, and improving your reputation?
Be willing to treat everyone like you would treat your dearest friend. Do not skimp on service nor be mediocre or run of the mill. Show people what you are capable of and that you care about your image and reputation.
When it comes to success, the people who are willing to go the extra mile get there that much faster!
Friday, 2 October 2020
Tune Into Your Authentic Power
Authentic Power is something you have to want.
This is where everything begins with intention and an awareness, in other words, authentic power versus external power.
Authentic Power is when our personality works in alignment with our soul.
External Power is when we attempt to live up to external standards usually at the cost of others or for others.
If you are in a place in your life where keeping up with the Kardashians is important, the number of followers vs. the quality of followers, being seen as better, stronger, successful then you are seeking external power.
It is far easier to seek External Power. It feeds our ego not our soul. When we chose to feed our soul our focus changes inward.
The Effortless Lion
When you think of a lion, you think effortless power. He just is powerful. He does not try to be anything, he just is.
That is Authentic Power. It does not come from what you are doing it comes from how you are doing it. Your intention. It is you in the silence of your heart.
To live a mindful, sacred, intentional life you need to set your intention each day and fine tune your awareness of how you are feeling, responding and experiencing life. On most days you have then stepped into your Authentic Power living in harmony.
That does not mean you do not have conflict. Chaos and conflict are your constant companions. Make every effort to make them comfortable in your life.
When No One Is Watching
What do you do when no one is watching? Are you still thinking of ways to impress your friends? Be better, smarter, more beautiful, thinner or a super cool parent? Do you shame others to feel better about yourself or tribe? Sell yourself short so others will be happy, pleased, from someone else’s perspective? Do you live in fear and what if’s? These are all states that keep us in an external power state.
Do you seek harmony, cooperation, curiosity? Do you know the difference between sleeping with someone and sleeping with someone you love?” That is the perfect example of external vs. authentic power. When we can share love, intimacy and vulnerability there is simply no room for external power.
When no one is watching can you sit in stillness and be a loving presence?
Creating Authentic Power
You MUST want to do it. You cannot fake it nor can you be half hearted.
Your focus is gentle, loving, kind and respectful. No matter what. Not just to certain people but it needs to be joyfully extended to everyone and every situation.
Set your intentions daily to become more gentle, loving, kind and respectful in every aspect of yourself.
When you leave your external power behind and fully embrace your authentic power you will start to feel peace.
Authentic power will make you a more compassionate, understanding and a genuinely loving person.
Being mindful, aware and intentional should become your daily guideposts, making your more gentle, loving, kind and respectful?
With thanks to Renee Tarantowski
Friday, 11 September 2020
Self Belief
It has been a while......
Self belief is vital. How many things have you not done or tried because you lacked belief in yourself?
Many fail to believe in themselves because others did not. But as Eleanor Roosevelt so deftly put it:
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Yet self doubts creep in, like unwelcome house guests that keep calling round simply because you played host to them before. Doubts such as:
- Can I really do this?
- Other people are better, smarter, more worthy than me.
- What will other people think if I do/say this?
- I cannot risk failure.
- Success is for others but not for the likes of me!
If you sometimes have trouble believing in yourself then practice these self belief tips.
Self Belief Can Be Learnt
Your level of self belief is not set in stone. We can all be flexible and change. Remember you were born into this world with no sense of what you could or could not do. Then, bit by bit, life started to teach you to limit yourself. A very young child never says: "I am not the kind of person who could…" They have not yet learned to limit their own horizons or listened to people who leak pessimism.
One of the first steps is to re-examine and discard many of the limiting ideas you have about yourself; ideas that you have somehow collected along the way.
Deal With The Inner Negative Voice
When you start to doubt yourself listen, for a moment, to that little negative inner voice. Whose voice is it really? A parent's, old school bullies? A collection of lots of different voices from different times and people? One thing is for sure; that little inner self critical voice was not yours originally. It may masquerade as belonging to you now, but it does not really.
Tell yourself: "This is not my true voice!" Then start to challenge it and also just plain ignore it.
Turn A Weakness Into A Strength
Think back to the story of Dumbo the elephant, who was humiliated by his outsized ears. He hated them at first. But, through time, he came to use them, to fulfil his destiny even, by changing his attitude.
If we just focus on what is not right about ourselves rather than what is, then we miss opportunities for self belief. We should not assume there is nothing to improve about ourselves, but just focusing on perceived weaknesses without either taking steps to improve them or giving fair focus toward our strengths gets us nowhere.
For example, if you know that you can be stubborn then find the positive in this. Stubbornness used well is called single-minded determination. If you worry a lot, know that the positive flipside of this is that you have a powerful imagination which, in the right context, can be put to good use.
Take any negative belief you have about yourself and creatively flip it so that it becomes, in its place, a positive resource (think: 'ears/Dumbo'). You will find this exercise fun to do.
Develop Your 'Super Powers'
Think of the typical powers of the more popular superheroes and write them down before you start your day. They may be such things as super speed, the ability to climb walls, flight, x-ray vision…whatever. Why do I suggest this? Because 'priming' your mind with qualities and positive characteristics can actually determine your behaviour.
Not that you will start flying to the rescue of stranded citizens, but the pattern of superhero powers is one of ability, courage, and competence. In one study, people asked to write down as many super powers as they could think of, were more likely to give to charity months afterwards. The pattern of giving to charity is that of being able. Prime your mind with 'able words' before you start each day.
As well as superhero powers, write all kinds of other positive characteristics (whether you think you have them or not). Do this before you go out each day.
You do not need to focus on your own present or even future qualities here, but just on the words. Take a few moments writing them down each day, then a few moments running your eyes up and down your list (it does not matter if it is a similar list each day). Really reflect upon what each word means to you.
You will be amazed how doing this will powerfully prime your subconscious mind.
Be Your Own Motivational Coach
If you notice doubts rearing their ugly heads, imagine you (the clear-headed part of you) are the coach and the anxious part of you is the person you need to talk to.
Think what you would say to someone you really believe in if they started showing doubts. Sit down and say those same things to yourself. So if you are about to go for a job interview and you 'hear yourself' starting to express doubts, take a few moments to sit down, close your eyes, and coach yourself:
"Look, you can do this! It is natural to feel a little anxious, but that just means you care about what you are doing! You have got all the relevant experience and qualifications! Now get in there and stop whinging! Even if you do not get this job, you are going to make me proud by giving it your best shot!"
Picture the decent, friendly, straight-talking coach in your mind. Is it someone you know or would like to know? Talking to yourself in these times as if you were another person (in the privacy of your mind ) can ramp up your confidence fast.
Do 'Hero Training'
Hero training is a great way to increase your own self belief.
Think of a situation in which lack of self belief holds you back. Now think of your 'hero', who could be a world leader, a movie hero, or the guy or girl down the road. Now close your eyes and strongly imagine them dealing with the situation 'heroically'. Now imagine being them for a few moments, experiencing that time in their shoes. Keep doing this until you notice you can start to transfer a sense of their qualities to yourself.
Create a Powerful Vision of Yourself
Self belief comes not just by trying to convince yourself you can do stuff. True self belief actually comes from developing the vision that you can relax socially, start that business, write that book, or whatever it is you need to believe you can do or be.
Get into the habit of sitting down, closing your eyes, and watching yourself behaving decisively, calmly, and strongly. This powerful visualisation exercise means you can learn from yourself how to be confident, have self belief, and behave in ways which maximize chances of success. Imagine you are viewing yourself on a TV screen. The 'you' in the screen is showing the you watching how to act with self belief. The more you do this, the more you will find that you quite naturally start to become like the 'you' in the movie.
Self belief does not mean arrogance or blindness to one's own shortcomings. Then again, it does not mean believing that you are perfect as you are, either. Your self belief really needs to be focused on what you will become. And an important part of self belief comes from knowing your weaknesses and being relaxed about them.
Self belief gives you the freedom to make mistakes and cope with setbacks by seeing them for what they are, temporary setbacks, not the end of the world. And something else you will notice, as your self belief grows, people around you start to believe in you more, too.
With thanks to Mark Elliott and Roger Tyrrell
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Face Your Challenges With Confidence
Face the Challenge
Be Present
- Why is this a challenge?
- Do I believe that I am capable of being successful at this challenge?
- What are the possible outcomes if I succeed?
- What is the outcome if I fail?
Look to Your SELF for the Solution
Know Yourself
Detach From the Outcome
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Turn Crisis Into Opportunity
Crises come into our lives, no matter how we may try to avoid them. They are troubling, unwanted experiences or events that take us way out of our comfort zone. Typically, crises result in some type of loss. The very nature of a crisis is antithetical to our core values of certainty and predictability as they vanish in an instant.
Monday, 8 June 2020
Trust Your Intuition