Friday, 12 July 2019

Master Your Own Destiny

Are you the master of your own fate, or are you a slave to fate? That has been a question mankind has been asking since they first became cognisant of their own existence. Why does it have to be one or the other? Could not both co-exist?

It can be very difficult, especially for a spiritual person to accept that life, the universe and everything are just the results of a gazillion years of random, meaningless occurrences.

Many of us have had experiences that are all too meaningful to think they were not contrived. Tell a person who got a bad feeling and changed his flight that it was just a coincidence he was not on the plane that burned and crashed.
Tell the mother who dreamed of the birth of her child before it happened that she was just dreaming. If you have ever had a good psychic reading that foretold you of events to come, you will find it impossible to believe in the idea that everything that happens is an accident, that it is all coincidence and not contrived. How can this possibly be, if nothing is determined?

Free Will

At the same time, it is easy to understand why some people believe in free will. Think about how much our choices and actions (or lack of actions) guide our lives. Most of the time, we can trace things that happen to us back to a choice we made at some point.
If there was no free will, there would be no point in ever trying, would there? We could just sit back and let the chips fall where they may; and we would not have to take any personal responsibility for any outcomes. But the fact is, people who are responsible and smart, who plan well for their goals and their future, will usually succeed at most things.
People who blow off responsibilities, who do nyt make smart choices, will usually end up suffering for their mistakes. We cannot deny that we have a hand in how things turn out for us.

Working Together

Everyone does have a destiny. We are all born for a purpose, and there are lessons and experiences we are meant to have in this lifetime. However, we also have the right and the responsibility of choice. We get to decide if we are going to do things to pursue our destiny, or move further away from it.
Yes, you can create your own destiny. We need to accept that life can be hard, and some of us are here to learn some hard lessons, or do some difficult things. You can certainly opt out, you can take an easy road , or at least a road that seems easier at the time. You can even change your destiny with your free will.