Wednesday, 30 December 2015

New Year Resolutions


We have all done it. We make New Year resolutions, maybe struggle to keep them for a few days, make ourselves miserable and then lapse back into our old habits.

Sure, we keep a few of these resolutions during our life but, for most, it is a losing battle. Now there is a vital formula that can ensure that you can keep every resolution without fail.

We could all benefit from this simple procedure. The key lies in the world ‘resolution’. When we make these promises to ourselves, we should drop the ‘re’ bit of the word and concentrate on the solution.

Everybody can benefit from this simple change to their thinking. Consider why people make resolutions. It is usually because there is some aspect of their life that they want to change for the better. Then, instead of focusing on the great benefits that they will achieve, they focus on what they are giving up so, of course they fail.

In this life you attract whatever it is that you think about the most. If you think about negative words like giving up, stopping, doing less or changing something that you have enjoyed for years, then it is inevitable that your subconscious will revolt to ensure that it does not happen.

Instead of thinking about resolutions, think about solutions. Think about how you will look, feel and sound when you have found the solution. Instead of thinking about what you may be giving up, think about what you will gain. Remember too that there is no success or failure, there is only a result. Do not beat yourself up if the result is not what you planned, just change something and start again.

Here are some pointers about why so many people get results that they see as failure. There are two main reasons. The first is that they try to change the habits of a lifetime overnight and the human mind and body does not work like that. The other is that they attempt to do it alone. The help and support of a non-judgemental and uncritical third party is crucial to a good outcome.

Many people think that setting a resolution is all that it needs. First and foremost it is important to fully appreciate why they have chosen a certain resolution and to examine their commitment to the change. Then  to define strategies for creating the change with small action steps that will gradually bring them closer to their goals. 

Achieving solutions begins with setting them correctly and then having support to make them happen in a timescale that the body and mind can and will accept.

New Year solutions are great if they get you thinking about your life. Remember, you can start working on a new solution at any time. The power of the personal change is just too good to be limited to the first few days of the year and it really is possible to keep every resolution without fail.

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve"
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich 

Wishing you all a prosperous, happy and healthy New Year
Best Wishes Denise`

Tuesday, 22 December 2015


A special Time for Special Relationships

Christmas is for many overwhelming and stressful, presents and food to be bought, family gatherings to be arranged. It is therefore a time when relationships are foremost on their minds. But for some, it is a time of deception, when the printed words of peace and love are in direct opposition to what they really feel inside.

At this time of year, any relationships that are under strain may totally split asunder. As families gather together old animosities and rivalries can bubble to the surface. The mature approach is to just let them go but it is not easy. It takes two people to have a disagreement. If one of them (you) decides that life is too short and makes a personal commitment to let the real happiness and peace that is Christmas become a reality, then there is no argument. There is no point in winning a series of battles if you can simply end the war”.

Now is the time to review your relationships at home, work, and in a social environment,.create a strategy for repairing any relationships that are suspect and terminating those that are beyond repair. It is up to you to make the decisions and the commitment.  Even small achievements can create your motivation. “If you use your energy to perpetuate a feeling of grudge, envy or hurt, then you are using energy that could, and should be directed to more positive things – like building yourself the life that you truly desire”.

You can learn the actions that create harmony and peace, then the joy of Christmas really will, as the cards say, stay with you throughout the rest of the year. If you want to change somebody else the only place you can begin is with changing yourself. And, the only time you can start is right now”.

Thank you to all of you for reading my blog throughout the year. 
Wishing you all a peaceful and Happy Christmas  

Best wishes Denise`

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

The Importance Of Just Being

It is one of the most important keys to good health, yet fast-paced living and a seemingly insatiable appetite for achieving more is putting our wellbeing at risk. Put your feet up and do absolutely nothing and you just might achieve more. 
Are you stressed but not aware of it? Are you caught up in a constant cycle of doing more, wanting more and achieving more? If you are not sure of your emotional state right now, stop what you are doing and take a minute to focus on your body. Are your shoulders tense? Is your breath shallow? Is your stomach in knots?
We believe that  five minutes of meditation every day may feel like the antidote to a hurried life, experts will tell you it is simply not enough. The body, mind and soul requires adequate doses of rest – simply doing nothing – to recharge, rejuvenate and rewire. It is only then can we truly live the lives of our dreams. Rest is a portal to the flow – a way to reach our maximum potential.
Doctors will tell you how important rest is to your physical health, while athletes will spout the benefits of relaxation as an elixir to overused muscles. Philosophers such as Leonardo da Vinci knew retreating into oneself was crucial to a clear, inspired mind. Religions, from Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity to Baha-i, Islam and Wiccan also teach the importance of being rather than doing.
The Tao Te Ching a 2,500-year-old book, written by Lao Tzu says, “do nothing and you’ll actually achieve more.” Animals, regardless of their species, do not have a to-do list. They just are. They follow the flow with trust and without question, knowing that everything is in perfect order.
So why do most of us consider rest to be a time-waster when its importance has been known across cultures and throughout nature since the beginning of time?
Our results-orientated culture is taught from a young age to “make it happen”, “go after what you want”, “be number one” and “don’t waste your time”. This teaches us that our worth comes from doing.
“While no one would argue all of that can be good advice, it can also be exhausting because much of the time when we seek those externals, it’s to fill a lack we feel within. In the end, all that doing and achieving just makes us feel like we need a good nap! We can never be truly fulfilled solely through activity. Fulfillment only comes from the state of just being.”
Restfulness reconnects us to that place within that assures us we are already worthy,we do not need to do anything to establish our worth. Once we know that truth, we can be more effective in the world”
One of the great spiritual teachers Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation, likens rest to archery. The technique of shooting is in pulling the arrow back – even though the principle of pulling the arrow is completely opposite to the principle of shooting the arrow. The principles of pulling (resting) and shooting (acting) adds efficiency of the other. In order to hit our target we first need to pull back. Just as it is true that in order to construct a building six stories high, we first need to go three stories deep into the ground.“Rest and act, It’s the key to being effective.
Couple regular time out with a healthy diet and you will soon have a recipe for balance that will serve you well into old age with less chance of ailments, illness and dis-ease. Rest and an adequate diet are integral to achieving and maintaining complete cellular health.
Rest allows one to regain nervous system energy potential. This, coupled with healthy food nutritional fasting and whole-food vitamin-mineral complex supplementation allows the body to possess a readiness potential. Extending the hours one can rest can halve the time it takes to heal. When the body is at total rest, the cell recovery of energy reserve is accelerated.
Restfulness reconnects us to that place within that assures us we are already worthy
Without rest, our quality of life is compromised and our wellbeing thrown out of balance. This results in not only working harder and faster ultimately makes us fall further behind. Choose one day each week as your dedicated rest day and notice how your life begins to flow again. Relationships heal, stress is forgotten and life simply becomes happier.
Doing nothing at least once a week can lead to:
A healthy body
Just as we eat and drink to stay alive, adequate rest is also essential to our body’s functionality. Strokes and heart attacks are said to be more common during the early morning hours, which experts believe could be associated with the way sleep – or lack thereof – interacts with blood vessels. Sleep deprivation has been associated with high blood pressure and cholesterol, all risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Seven to nine hours of sleep per night is crucial to good physical health.
Less stress
When your body is constantly fueled by adrenalin from lack of rest, it goes into a state of stress. All of the body’s functions are put on high alert, causing stress hormone production and an increase in blood pressure, which leads to health complications. With rest, stress is lessened, positively affecting all areas of your life.
Better relationships
When we take time out to rest, we open ourselves up for communication. If we are not rushing around from one task to the next, it enables us to enjoy each other’s company and create a feeling of being connected and community.
A Sense of Balance
Dedicating one day to rest forces us to reflect on our life. Why are we running around endlessly chasing our tails? Why do we need to be everywhere at once? What is the race all about? It also enables us to stop and detach from our identity, while opening the channels for exploration. Doing nothing one day each week can lead to new found passions and hobbies beyond hectic work routines, activities that help to create balance and a peace within.
Increase Production
While burning the midnight oil may seem like the best solution to achieving every goal you have set for yourself, it actually does the opposite. Just as resting rejuvenates our muscles, it also allows our mind time to refocus and rewire. Resting helps us to work smarter, not harder.
Fostering Reserve
You never know when you’re going to need to tap into your energy reserves. While no one likes to think about life’s emergencies, it is still a good idea to be in peak physical, mental and emotional state for when those unexpected, taxing moments crop up.
A healthy daily reprogramming should consist of three steps: relax, release and reprogram. In hypnotherapy, an induction is the method used to facilitate a trance state. The goal of any induction is to relax the conscious mind. The way to relax the conscious mind is to get it singularly focused. From there, we can bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind. This is the hypnotic trance state.”
Five minutes a day dedicated to relaxation through the following exercise can literally change your life.
De-hypnotise Yourself to Relaxation
Quickly enter a daily five minute self-hypnotic state in order to de-program outdated false beliefs, to neutralize past traumatic events in the mind, to reprogram new healthier ideas and simply relax.
1.  Relax
Before you begin, turn off the phone. Make sure you will not be disturbed. And definitely sit up; otherwise you will undoubtedly fall asleep.
To induce hypnosis, find a spot to stare at and take three deep breaths, relaxing more and more with each exhale. On the third inhale, close your eyes while saying (out loud, whispering, or silently) the command, “sleep now” on the exhale.  Use these key words to program your mind with a specific command (in this case, relaxation) making it easier to more quickly induce future self-hypnosis sessions by saying this simple phrase.
Now starting at the top of your head, move through your body relaxing each area. While inhaling, name the body part, such as “face,” and on the exhale, give it the command “relax.” When you sense you have sufficiently relaxed that body part, move on to the next, inhale “neck, exhale “relax;” and so forth. “Shoulders, relax”, “arms, relax”, “fingers, relax”, “chest, relax”, “stomach, relax”, “back, relax”, “hips, relax”, “legs, relax”, “feet, relax”. Do this at a comfortable pace. It should only take a few minutes.
As a side note, you could find your mind wandering during this entire process. It would be near impossible not to, because that’s just what the conscious mind does. It chatters and analyses. And since the conscious mind is not asleep, it is just quietening down, it is impossible not to expect to have random thoughts. However, do not judge yourself, let them come up and watch them float away, or with the next exhale blow them away and gently bring yourself back to your process. Remember, this is a mind-training. It’s going to take some diligence. As you practice and strengthen your mind/body connection, entering hypnosis becomes easier and you are able to stay in the hypnotic state for longer.
Next, imagine you are standing on top of a beautiful staircase with ten steps that takes you down to a peaceful place where you can enjoy being alone and unwinding. Create a place you can immediately escape to anytime you choose. It can be a place you have been to in the past or you can make it up in your mind. Count yourself down the steps. This is called a “deepener” in hypnosis. Its purpose is to bring you deeper down into relaxation.
Once relaxed, find the stillness between your thoughts and hold onto it for a minute. Get in touch with nothingness. Emptiness is the goal of meditation and we’ll use that goal for a moment in our self-hypnosis practice. The key is to hold on to that moment a little longer each time you practice.
2.  Release
When you feel ready, say out loud or in your mind, “I now release all thoughts that no longer serve me”. You do not need to consciously know what these are.
3.  Reprogram
Introduce a new daily reprogram statement, such as “every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”. Repeat the statement for about a minute until you feel the truth of the suggestion.
Be still for about another minute and just when you feel ready to open your eyes, continue for another minute. Often that extra minute allows you to go even deeper.
Count yourself out of hypnosis by saying, “On the count of three, I will open my eyes and be fully alert and refreshed.” Open your eyes and repeat the reprogramming statement as many times as you remember throughout the day.
Tips to Relaxation
In the fast paced, results-driven world we live in, it may feel difficult to find the time to just stop and take a check on our emotional and mental state. But getting into the habit can not only bring greater joy to your life, but also prevent the onset of illness and dis-ease. Doing nothing at some point every single day can bring you closer to your true self. Here are some tips to put you on a path to daily rest…
  1. The morning is the perfect time to meditate. The day is fresh and so are our minds, especially if we’ve had a restful night’s sleep. When sitting in silence to meditate is challenging however, calming music or the hypnosis techniques (described above) will help.
Walk in nature. Getting away from the concrete jungle if you live and work in a city environment is crucial. Putting your feet into the sand or grass not only feels great, it also connects us to the living, breathing earth and is literally very grounding.
Spend time in the kitchen. Food is much more than something to stop hunger. While the art of home cooked food preparation has been greatly lost with food-to-go and frozen meals in a box, taking the time to connect to our food, through conscious preparation can do wonders for mental, emotional and physical health. It’s also a great way to forget about everything and focus on being in the moment.
Have a Reiki session. Reiki connects us directly to life force energy, through the hands of the practitioner who shares it. Reiki not only puts us in a relaxed, meditative state, but it also allows the receiver to work through particular issues they may have to restore physical and emotional wellbeing. A qualified Reiki Master can also teach and attune you to this energetic healing modality, so you can give yourself the gift of Reiki energy whenever you need it.
Take a candle-lit bath. Breaking out the lavender oil, soy candles and playing some chilled music is a great way to de-stress. To clear your mind while you are soaking, concentrate on your breathing. Be sure not to load your tub up with toxic bubbles, instead, pop in a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil to give your skin a moisture infusion.

Friday, 11 December 2015

The Impact Our Beliefs Have On Our Behaviour

There are many reasons why it can be hard to stick to good habits or develop new skills. But more often than not, the biggest challenge is sitting between your ears.
Your mind is a powerful thing. The stories you tell yourself and the things you believe about yourself can either prevent change from happening or allow new skills to blossom.
How Your Beliefs Can Help You or Hurt You
In a fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that is that, and then their goal becomes to look smart all the time and never look dumb. In a growth mindset students understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. They do not necessarily think everyone is the same or anyone can be an Einstein, but they believe everyone can get smarter if they work at it.
The benefits of a growth mindset might seem obvious, but most of us are guilty of having a fixed mindset in certain situations. That can be dangerous because a fixed mindset can often prevent important skill development and growth, which could sabotage your health and happiness down the line.
For example, if you say, “I am not a maths person” then that belief acts as an easy excuse to avoid practicing maths. The fixed mindset prevents you from failing in the short run, but in the long run it hinders your ability to learn, grow, and develop new skills.
Meanwhile, someone with a growth mindset would be willing to try maths problems even if they failed at first. They see failure and setbacks as an indication that they should continue developing their skills rather than a signal that indicates, “This is something I’m not good at.”
As a result, people who have a growth mindset are more likely to maximize their potential. They tend to learn from criticism rather than ignoring it, to overcome challenges rather than avoiding them, and to find inspiration in the success of others rather than feeling threatened.
Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back?
If you believe things about yourself like…
“It is hard for me to lose weight.”
“I am not good with numbers.”
"I am not a natural athlete.” 
"I am not creative.”
“I am a procrastinator.”
It is pretty clear that these fixed mindsets will cause you to avoid experiences where you might feel like a failure. As a result, you do not learn as much and it is hard to change. What can you do about this? How can you change the things you believe about yourself, eliminate your fixed mindset, and actually achieve your goals?
How Your Actions Change Your Beliefs
The only way to change the type of person that you believe that you are is to build a new and better identity for yourself —  to do so with small, repeated actions.
Here is an example of a runner who started running a year ago. This is how Leah Carver describes the process. I started running a year ago. I did not entirely start from scratch. In the past I had jogged every once in a while, maybe once a month.
My first run was just two km at 12 minutes per kilometre. That is pretty slow. However, for a non-athlete I felt fairly good about it. I jogged a couple more times that week. After a couple weeks of regular jogging, I set a goal for myself.
I knew I would never be fast enough to impress anybody so it did not make sense to make speed my goal. I could have picked a race to train for, a 5 km or 10 km, but I knew how those ended. Everyone seems to quit running right after their big race. I wanted to do something different. I wanted to not quit.
My goal involved not going too long between runs.  If I skipped more than a couple of days, would that not be quitting? So I started running four and five days a week. The longest I went between runs was three days when I was in Hawaii for a vacation.  My goal made all the difference. I was still slow, but I could at least feel good that I was running a lot. I would have good days where I would run fast and feel great but I also had lots of bad days where I was tired and just did not feel like running. In retrospect those days were almost better than the good days because they reinforced my goal — I did not quit.  I ran my first 5 km on Halloween, nearly five months after I had taken up running as a hobby. I wore a costume — fairy wings — and tried to keep up with a random guy with an owl on his head. I finished in 28 minutes and was super happy. 
I learned that racing was not always about being the fastest, but doing my personal best. I signed up to run a full marathon in December, hired a running coach, and set a regular running schedule. I have started to think of myself as a runner.  If you would have told me a year ago that I would be working out almost every day and running 100 miles a month I would never have believed you. Running really snuck up on me. I had modest aspirations and did not really care if I was great at running. I just wanted to stick to my one goal: do not quit.
Did Leah start by thinking about how much weight she wanted to lose? No. Did she start by thinking about how fast she wanted to run? No. Did she start by thinking about the marathon she wanted to complete? No. She did not start by thinking about the results. She simply focused on the process. She focused on showing up. She focused on sticking to the schedule. She focused on “not quitting.” Eventually, the results and the self–confidence came anyway. Her actions shifted the way that she saw herself. “I have started to think of myself as a runner.”
The best musicians practice every day. The best athletes practice every day. The best writers practice every day. These are people who have a high average speed. Yes, their results are fantastic and they get to enjoy the fruits of their labour … but it is not the results that set them apart, it is the dedication to daily practice. It is the fact that their identity is centered on being the type of person who does their craft each day. People with a growth mindset focus on the process of building a better identity rather than the product.
Identity-Based Habits vs. Rapid Transformations
So often, we overestimate the importance of a single event (like a marathon) and underestimate the importance of making better choices on a daily basis (like running 5 days per week).
We think that getting “that job” or being featured in “that media outlet” or losing “those 30 pounds” will transform us into the person we want to become. We fall victim to a fixed mindset and think that we are defined by the result.
Here is the truth: it is your daily actions that will change what you believe about yourself and the person you become. It is about setting a schedule, showing up, and sticking to it. It is about focusing on building the right identity rather than worrying about getting the right result.
When you let the results define you — your talent, your test scores, your weight, your job, your performance, your appearance — you become the victim of a fixed mindset. But when you dedicate yourself to showing up each day and focusing on the habits that form a better identity, that is when you learn and develop. That is what a growth mindset looks like in the real world.

What You Should Do Now

In case it is not clear enough already: skill is something you can cultivate, not merely something you are born with.
You can become more creative, more intelligent, more athletic, more artistic, and more successful by focusing on the process, not the outcome.
Instead of worrying about winning the championship, commit to the process of training like a champion. Instead of worrying about writing a bestselling book, commit to the process of publishing your ideas on a consistent basis. Instead of worrying about getting six pack abs, commit to the process of eating healthy each day.
It is not about the result, it is about building the identity of the type of person who gets to enjoy those results.
Copyright with thanks to James Clear To read the complete article go to

The Power of The Mind

  “The most powerful things in the world are the human mind,
                prayer, belief in yourself, and confidence.
   Always believe in yourself, and no matter who is around you
    that is being negative, or thrusting negative energy at you,
  totally block it off; because whatever you believe you become.”

         – Michael Jackson

Monday, 7 December 2015

The Miracle Brain System

As someone who has a keen interest in the personal development industry, I have seen my fair share of self help programs and books to know what does work and what does not. Sadly most that I have come across has always been lacking in some way or another. In fact, I have done reviews of such products, but I am rarely blown away by any of them.

Until now that is.

When I first heard about the Miracle Brain System, I scoffed. I wasn't convinced that it could set itself apart from everything else I had already seen. But with the 60 Day Triple Guarantee I thought  why not, I will not have anything to lose. If it was not up to par I could always ask for a refund before the 60 days was up.

So I gave the Miracle Brain System a chance. And I was glad that I did.

You might have come across books whose authors go into a long rhetoric of esoteric jargon, but you will be glad to know there is nothing of that in Miracle Brain System.

The Miracle Brain System is the quintessential program that anyone who is looking to change the way they live their lives should get. There is no complex jargon, no fancy language, just plain and simple advice and techniques that you need to incorporate into your life if you want to have a better quality of living.

Here is a review of the system:
Miracle Brain System consists of 18 detailed lessons explaining how you can take advantage of a thing called the "Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator" (which I think is just their way of referring to their proprietary mind power technique). Each lesson addresses different aspects of your life and various techniques on exactly how you should apply the "Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator" into your life.

You get techniques that enable you to use your mental power for leverage, help you overcome "confused thinking", give you powers over wealth, influence, health, and so much more. You'll even find tips on how you can use the "Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator" to dramatically enhance your sex life.

The one great thing about the Miracle Brain System is that it really does not leave any stone unturned. You get great techniques for practically anything you can think of under the sun, and you get it all in one comprehensive yet brain-dead simple resource that even a self help newbie can benefit from right away. The complementary workbook is a tremendous aid in keeping you on track and ensuring that you apply the techniques taught correctly.
The Miracle Brain System also includes additional bonuses, collectively called "The Success Compendium", which is basically a collection of Napoleon Hill's best works. Specifically, you're getting the all-time best seller Think And Grow Rich book and audio program, The Laws Of Success In 16 Lessons package, and Napoleon Hill's Success Philosophies audio program.

Now, a physical set consisting of several CDs and hardcover books will typically cost you a pretty penny, but this brilliant program is provided in pure digital format, so you get the convenience of portability (since you can download the book and audios into pretty much anything).

In fact, that is another thing I loved about the entire Miracle Brain System program. Everything is provided in an instantly downloadable format, so you do not have to wait (and pay for) shipping to get my hands on the product.
If you're looking for a self help product that works, the Miracle Brain System is definitely the one to get.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Turn Attitude Into Action

One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving your greatest potential in life is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you.
 If you are going into a meeting or a seminar what attitude do you take into the meeting? In truth, people generally do not have a high level of attitude awareness. They will know if they are hungry or if their feet hurt, but they usually do not have a good handle on their attitude. That is a mistake because attitude is everything. It governs the way you perceive the world and the way the world perceives you.
We all have a choice. We can choose an inner dialogue of self-encouragement and self-motivation, or we can choose one of self-defeat and self-pity. It is a power we all have. Each of us encounters hard times, hurt feelings, heartache, and physical and emotional pain. The key is to realize it is not what happens to you that matters; it is how you choose to respond.
Your mind is a computer that can be programmed. You can choose whether the software installed is productive or unproductive. Your inner dialogue is the software that programs your attitude, which determines how you present yourself to the world around you. You have control over the programming. Whatever you put into it is reflected in what comes out.
Many of us have behavior patterns today that were programmed into our brains at a very tender age. The information that was recorded by our brains could have been completely inaccurate or cruel. The sad reality of life is that we will continue to hear negative information, but we do not have to program it into our brains.
The loudest and most influential voice you hear is your own inner voice, your selfcritic. It can work for or against you, depending on the messages you allow. It can be optimistic or pessimistic. It can wear you down or cheer you on. You control the sender and the receiver, but only if you consciously take responsibility for and control over your inner conversation.
Habitual bad attitudes are often the product of past experiences and events. Common causes include low self-esteem, stress, fear, resentment, anger and an inability to handle change. It takes serious work to examine the roots of a harmful attitude, but the rewards of ridding ourselves of this heavy baggage can last a lifetime.
Here are 10 strategies to improve your attitude:
1. Self-Coaching Through Affirmations Affirmations repeated several times each day, every day, serve to reprogram your subconscious with positive thinking. An affirmation is made up of words charged with power, conviction and faith. You send a positive response to your subconscious, which accepts whatever you tell it. When done properly, this triggers positive feelings that, in turn, drive action.
2. Self-Motivation Through Discovering Your Motives What motivates you to take action to change your life. Basic motives include love, self-preservation, anger, financial gain and fear. Self-motivation requires enthusiasm, a positive outlook, a positive physiology (walk faster, smile, sit up), and a belief in yourself and your God-given potential.
3. The Power of Visualisation Studies of the psychology of peak performance have found that most great athletes, surgeons, engineers and artists use affirmations and visualisations either consciously or subconsciously to enhance and focus their skills. Nelson Mandela has written extensively on how visualisation helped him maintain a positive attitude while being imprisoned for 27 years. “I thought continually of the day when I would walk free. I fantasised about what I would like to do,” he wrote in his autobiography. Visualisation works well to improve attitude.
4. Attitude Talk for Positive Internal Dialogue Attitude talk is a way to override your past negative programming by erasing or replacing it with a conscious, positive internal voice that helps you face new directions. Your internal conversation—that little voice you listen to all day long—acts like a seed in that it programs your brain and affects your behavior. Take a closer look at what you are saying to yourself.
5. The Power of Words—WOW Once released to the universe, our words cannot be taken back. Learn the concept of WOW—watch our words. What we speak reflects what is already in our hearts based upon all the things we have come to believe about ourselves. If we find ourselves speaking judgmental and disparaging things about our circumstances or those around us, we know the condition of our hearts needs to change. You can create a direct path to success by what you say. 
6. The Power in a Positive Greeting When people ask you how you are doing, say, “Super-fantastic.” Most people enjoy working and living with others who try to live life for what it is—a beautiful gift.
7. Enthusiasm: Vital Tool for Staying Motivated Enthusiasm is to attitude what breathing is to life. Enthusiasm enables you to apply your gifts more effectively. It’s the burning desire that communicates commitment, determination and spirit. Enthusiasm means putting yourself in motion. It is an internal spirit that speaks through your actions from your commitment and your belief in what you are doing. It is one of the most empowering and attractive characteristics you can have.
8. Connecting to Your Spiritual Empowerment The ultimate level of human need extends into the spiritual realm. Just as we feed our bodies in response to our primary need to survive physically, we need to feed our spirit because we are spiritual beings. Many people find powerful and positive motivation in their faith.
9. Lighten Up Your Life with Humor Humor is a powerful motivator. The more humor and laughter in your life, the less stress you will have, which means more positive energy to help you put your attitude into action. There are also health benefits to lightening up.
10. Exercising Will Help Keep You Motivated One of the best ways to move to a more positive and motivated frame of mind is to exercise. A regular exercise routine can provide relatively quick positive feedback in the form of weight loss, muscle development and a sense of doing something positive for yourself.

Copyright with thanks to Keith Harrell