Tuesday 18 June 2024

Let The Inner You Out

Finally a New Post!

Do you ever find yourself wonderiing if you will ever acheive the life you really want for yourself? 

Well, you are not finished yet striving to become the person you really want to be.

Deep in your inner core, you are whole and complete.

You are who you are, and who you are is PERFECT.

Unfortunately over the years, due to the influence of family, friends, and society at large, the real you has become buried.

Beneath a few layers of values, beliefs and falsehood covering up the true you.....

There is a YOU inside that is crying to come out.

It may take some work to peel away the layers, but once you reach the inner core, you will reveal your authentic brilliance that burns to express itself. 

Here are ways you can start that process today:

Start meditating daily.
Take at least ten minutes a day to sit 
down, and focus on your breath.

In the stillness you will be able to hear the 
subtle hints and influence of your deepest  pull and preferences.

Imagine every detail of your 
ideal life, 
Your ideal job, the car you would drive, your dream house and who you would spend your time with.

This  might not be exactly what your ideal life looks like, but it is a step in the 
right direction.

Take action.
Based on the results of step #2, take 
another step towards your ideal life.

Learn a new language, go to a new 
restaurant, read a different type of book.

Start to become the "you" that you want to be.

With intention and a few well placed 
steps, you will transform your life.

Remove the lid off your innermost core and reveal the real you in a relatively short amount of time.


Friday 12 January 2024

Setting Prosperity And Abundance For 2024

 As we start a new year we set new goals for the year and abundance and prosperity are always top of the list.

Abundance and prosperity is something you are born with, and yet as we grew we forgot that. Fortunately you have the power to create it in your life now.

You were born abundant. The universe is abundant. This is truth but you may have forgotten it.
As we navigate life we become programmed to see the lack in everything, rather than the abundance that is right in front of us.
It is up to you to create abundance and prosperity in your life. No one can do it for you. However, it is something we can all do and achieve.
The L aw of Attraction states that, what you focus your attention on you attract. If you are focused on lack, then lack you will receive. To manifest abundance and prosperity in your life, crowd out the “lack” thinking and replace it with thoughts of abundance and prosperity.
Your thoughts influence your feelings. From those feelings you take actions that produce results. You are the source of those results. Focusing on your inner world (thoughts) brings you faster results in your outer world.
In order to manifest abundance and prosperity, you need to magnetise it to you.
Identify and feel the abundance and prosperity already present in your life. A good way to bring those feelings in is to journal all things you have in your life already (people, things, money, career, etc.), all the opportunities you have had and all you have achieved. Feeling grateful for the abundance and prosperity already in your life rather than the lack.
Next design your vision of abundance and prosperity, get really specific. Describe it in terms of what you will experience when you have it. Use all your five senses: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, and olfactory. Ask yourself questions like, “What will your abundant and prosperous life be like? What activities will you be doing? What will you feel like when you have it? What changes are in your life? Who is around you?”
Set your intention that your vision of abundance and prosperity will manifest.
Another aspect to manifestation is the Law of Allowing. Knowing that what you are magnetising will manifest in your life. You must trust that you will create it and allow it to happen when it is appropriate for you. Some find this challenging, so stay focused on the abundance and prosperity already in your life. Regular meditations and reflection on your vision keeps you focused on what you want.
Here is a recap on the steps to magnetise and manifest abundance and prosperity in your life:
1. Feel the feelings of abundance and prosperity already in your life
2. Design your vision of abundance and prosperity
3. Set the intention that you will manifest your vision
4. Trust that it will happen
Pay attention to changes in your life. Maybe things will not manifest exactly as you expect, but the essence of what you are magnetising does manifest.
A belated happy new year.

Sunday 31 December 2023

New Year Blessings

We always approach a new year with anticipation, excitement and hope, setting out our plans and goals, detemined that this is the year we will succeed.

Only to find that within a few weeks the plans, goals and excitement have been forgotten as daily life takes over. 

But, it does not have to be this way, if we remember to include these important steps in our goal setting.

• Happiness
May the new year be filled with endless 
joy and laughter, together with the ones that you love,

• Abundance
May 2024 be the year where all of your hopes and dreams materialise.

• Prosperity
May you achieve the success and financial independence that you desire in all aspects of your life

• Fulfilment
To do what you are truly passionate about is the greatest blessing of all.

So, once you have written down your goals, keep them where you can read them everyday, include them in your daily meditation and to emphasise your goals even more build a vision board.

And, if you find yourself wavering during the year, do not give up, you have not failed. You just need to rekindle the excitement and anticipation that you felt when you first created your goals, then pick yourself up and move forward again.  

Have fun planning the steps to achieving and maintaining all of your 2024 goals.

Happy NewYear 

Friday 22 December 2023

The Strain Of Relationships at Christmas

Posts have been very sparse this year, now is the perfect time to rectify that.

As we come to another festive season, the media and Christmas cards paint a blissful image of excited children waiting for father Christmas to bring their presents, togetherness, happiness, laughter, tables laden with food, family and friends but for so many people especially Christmas 2023 that is far from the truth.

Christmas is for many expensive, overwhelming, stressful and a time of dread. The frantic rush of presents and food to be bought, family gatherings to be arranged. It is therefore a time when relationships are fraught and foremost on their minds.

However, for some, it is a time of deception, when the printed words of peace and love are in direct opposition to what they really feel inside.

And for others the Christmas period, especially Christmas day is a time of tears, sadness and loneliness as all they have to look forward to are memories of days filled with love, laughter, happiness, family and friends long gone.

At this time of year, any relationships that are under strain may totally split asunder. As families gather together old animosities and rivalries can bubble to the surface. The mature approach is to just let them go, but it is not easy. It takes two people to have a disagreement. If one of them (you) decides that life is too short and makes a personal commitment to let the real happiness and peace that is Christmas become a reality, then there is no argument to be had. There is no point in winning a series of battles if you can simply end the war. All it achieves is ruin the Christmas festivities for everyone else around you.

Now is the time to be bold and review the relationships at home, work, and in a social environment, to create a strategy for repairing any relationships that are suspect and terminating those that are beyond repair. It takes inner strength to make the decisions and the commitment. Even small achievements can create the motivation. If you use your energy to perpetuate a feeling of grudge, envy or hurt, then you are using energy that could, and should be directed to more positive things, like building yourself the life that you truly desire”.

When repairing relationships there is no blame, no right or wrong. There is simply an outcome or result that arises from an action. If you can learn the actions that create harmony and peace, then the joy of Christmas really will, as the cards say, stay with you throughout the rest of the year. If you want to change somebody else the only place you can begin is with changing yourself. And, the only time you can start is right now.

Wishing you all a happy, harmonious festive season


Friday 7 April 2023

The Promise Of Easter

 It has been a while!

This is great time of the year to look back at those New Year resolutions, to review progress and to take any corrective action needed.

The changing of the seasons can affect our feelings and attitudes.

The chances are, that you made those January resolutions in the midst of a cold, grey and wet winter, that probably made your emotions and optimism pretty cold, grey and wet too.”

But, when the natural world is bursting with the promise of a glorious spring and the warmth of summer, this is an ideal time to decide that you too will start over and put right anything that you feel needs correction in your own life.

Unless humans interfere with nature, it has its own graceful balance.

The old and used makes way for the new and the vibrant.

Anyone can do the same with their own thoughts and attitudes.

Perhaps those fondly held beliefs that served you well in the past are due for an overhaul. s it is time to restore your own natural balance.

Balance means harmony rather than discord.

This should include a brief but thorough examination of all the areas of your life, relationships, career, health, finances, leisure and talents.

You would have to be a very cold individual indeed, to totally ignore the promise of Easter.

So take some of that promise for yourself and then make sure it is a promise that is delivered.

You deserve nothing less.

Happy Easter!