"Success is never Final, Failure is never Fatal, it is Courage that Counts - John Wooden"
Your inner world has a tremendous impact on your circumstances.
Your beliefs affect your thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Your actions ultimately create your life. Interestingly, many of your beliefs are unfounded, and your thoughts and emotions are largely habitual. Changing any of these internal components will affect the results you experience.
Fortunately, your inner world is under your control, though making changes can be challenging.
Change Your Mind And Your Life WIll Follow
Start and end your day by experiencing gratitude. It is easy to focus on what you do not have. Instead, spend a few minutes in the morning and before bed to list your blessings.
By focusing on the positive, you will brighten your mood and increase the number of good things that come into your life.
Focus on solutions. It is a mistake to spend your time focusing on your problems. It makes you feel terrible and hopeless. It also fails to rectify the challenge you are facing. When something is going wrong in your life, switch into solution-finding mode.
What can you do to make a positive change? You have far more options that you realise.
Take care of your body. One of the common causes of depression has been found to be undiagnosed heart disease. When your body is out of sorts, it skews the way you interpret the world. We are guided by our feelings, and when your health is compromised, your emotions can be misleading.
Stay grounded in reality. Most of us live in a fantasyland. We are thinking about the past or speculating on the future. However, if you concentrate on living wisely and well in the present moment, the future will bring the joy you hope for.
Remember that life is whizzing by 24/7. The actions you take right now determine your future. You cannot act today if your mind is elsewhere.
Use positive affirmations. Give yourself the gift of positive thoughts and uplifting self-talk throughout the day. Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions. Positive thoughts will fill you with positive emotions. With positive thoughts, you can change your world.
Examine your beliefs. Make a list of the beliefs that are holding you back and then question them. Where did you get this belief? Why do you believe it is accurate? Is there a possibility that this belief is false? How much evidence do you really have in support of this belief?
Track your thoughts. Set an alarm, perhaps on your smart phone, to notify you each hour. When the alarm sounds, consider how you have used your mind over the past hour.
What did you think about? Was your attention focused on your work, or did you worry about the phone bill? Did you use your mind to better your future?
Measuring yourself each hour will help you to stay focused. It is too easy to fall into old patterns if you only check yourself once per day.
Learn to meditate. Meditation has many physical and mental benefits. It can reduce stress, strengthen your health, help to strip away your erroneous beliefs, and bring you clarity and focus. Meditation is one action that can have a huge, positive effect on your life. Incorporate time for meditation into your schedule each day.
Believe it or not, meditation is a lot simpler than some people make it out to be. You do not need to be an expert, or have any previous experience. Someone brand new to meditation experience the same results as someone who has been practicing it for years.
Most of us believe we are victims of our circumstances, but we are actually victims of our own thinking. No matter how bad your situation might be, someone has started with an even worse situation and led an incredible life. Changing your inner world is the key to changing your outer world.
Thank you Sean May https://www.scienceofimagery.com/think-positively-8-tips/
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